Dinner + Foul language

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Tonight was my turn to make dinner since today's Rupert's baby day.

I didn't feel like cooking so I made a simple meal that I grew up with.

While I was seasoning the food, I heard small but heavy footsteps approach me.

"This meeting spot now?" I said not looking at Wenceslaus, he just grumbled.

He pulled a stool by me, tossed his school bag and laid his head on the counter

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, "what's wrong kid?" I asked as I put the ingredients in their pans and went over to Wence to talk.

He was very clearly pouting and he looked up at me without moving his body, only his eyes.

"I hate math." He grumbled and attempted to kick his bag, but he was too high up to hit it.

I rubbed his back and hummed, "so you want some help? I could help you." I suggested before going back to the food to start plating.

He shrugged and laid back down on the counter with a sigh.

"Maybe go tell your dad that dinner's ready instead of moping." I said as I made Elyina a bottle.

He slid down and dragged his bag out the kitchen.

As I set the plates on the table I heard some footsteps, some voices, including a baby droning.

I looked up to see Rupert and Wence talking and Elyina pretending she knew how to talk, as Rupert carried her.

I smiled and took her from him and set her in her chair, with her bottle and some mashed boiled vegetables.

I sat next to her and tried to get her to eat, she would just look at me and spit the food out. She thought it was hilarious to rub it in her hair.

"Don't do that you trash troll" I mumbled as I pulled her hands away and wiped her face and hair.

Rupert and Wenceslaus were talking, ignoring me struggling with this little hob goblin, like how dare they be so rude.

I gave her some mashed eggplant, and she scrunched her face and looked at me like I tried to poison her.

"What? Don't like eggplant?" I said as she spit it out and yelled at me and I quote, 'AAH!', end quote. How vulgar.

I made a gasping noise and turned to Rupert. "Manage your child, you heathen!" I gasped dramatically as I flicked some food she spit on me at him.

He smiled and rolled his eyes, he leaned over and looked at Elyina, "you say a bad thing?" He said in a baby voice, Wenceslaus looked at her regurgitated mush. "What's that?"

He asked, looking at it grossed out as she grabbed it, and she threw the glob on the floor and shook her hand to get it off.

"Eggplant" I deadpanned looking at Wence. "Well no wonder she mouthed off. Eggplant is the vegetable of evil." He looked at me in a judging manner.

"I could leave you to do your math alone." I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "also an eggplant is technically a fruit."

He grumbled something but went quiet and continued eating.

It was quiet as we were focused on eating, until...Elyina dropped her spoon.

"Som of a bitsh!" Elyina has spoken words hee first word being papa, but this shocked me to my CORE.

We all collectively turned to her to see her looking over the edge of her seat at the spoon on the floor.

"RUPERT!" I yelled as my head snapped to him, I gave him an accusatory look.

"It wasn't on purpose! I told her not to say it after! It slipped out?" He rambled as he scooted his chair away.

I sighed and flicked Elyina's mouth softly, "you don't say that. That's a bad word." I said pointing a finger at her.

She looked shocked that I flicked her and her face started to scrunch and she started to cry.

"You're so dramatic." I said before picking her up and patting her back.

I side eyed Rupert and mouthed "that's two chips in the jar, and you're getting flicked to." He groaned and went back to eating, except he grabbed some meat off my plate and fed it to Porridge who happily ate it up.

I rolled my eyes and Elyina backed away from me a bit, and we just looked at eachother.

"What little girl?" I said to her and she pouted again and reached for Rupert, she seemed about to cry again.

"Take your little brat." I said sarcastically and I passed her to Rupert. You dramatically rocked and babied her.

Wenceslaus looked at me with a questioning look. I simply shrugged.

As we wrapped up dinner we got ready for bed but, against me or Rupert's consent, were ganged up on the animals we sometimes call children.

Rupert was laying on his side reading, I was behind him rubbing his thigh while watching Wenceslaus and Elyina play. He was teaching her patty cake. (She was just sitting and staring at him). Then she tipped over.

"Papa, why can't Ely sit right?" He asked as he sat her up again, she just grinned widely with her gummy mouth.

"Because she's little." I said, laying my head on Rupert's shoulder.

As we were relaxing we felt the bed shake roughly and I looked over to see Fitzroy and Porridge roughly hop on our bed and scramble their way towards the kids.

Later everyone seemed to get tired, Porridge being used as a heated pillow for Wenceslaus and Elyina and Fitzroy a stuffed animal for Rupert to hold.

I decided I was too tired to move them and got comfortable behind Rupert and went to sleep.







YAY, I had some fun writing this one and honestly this whole thing is an au that my brain has worked and made a story behind. And since there isn't a lot of content on the fandom I have multiple endings and variations... like a time traveling one💀 

BUUT I'm only going to do the domestic and mundane one

If you've been wondering why I've been posting more it's because!!! 🥁🥁🥁🥁 I'm sick

But thanks to that you guys get more content! Anyways I hope you like this one Vote if you wanna and have a good mornings, evening, or night!!


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