Headcannons (NOT A CHAPTER)

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This is just my head cannons sorry not a real update

Amir is deathly afraid of snakes

Wenceslaus has imaginary friends

(Amir and Rupert are worried about)

Rupert is a sleep talker and occasionally a sleepwalker

(Scared the shit out of Amir the first time he slept walked around him)

Wenceslaus loves all animals except pigs/hogs

Amir uses that fear to make him run laps when he has to exercise when he's older

(He sets a pig off to chase him around the track)

Wenceslaus has sleep terrors and doesn't like being alone

Rupert gets called dad while Amir gets called Papa

(Like you saw in the previous chapter)

Rupert hates when anything is not coordinated correctly, whether it be furniture or clothes.

(Any outfits must go through him before his family can wear it, he gets it from Lavinia)

Atossa and Lavinia have monthly tea meetups and they gossip

Now that Amir and Rupert are older and married their mothers have started saying foulest things around them.

(It often leaves them jaw dropped or flustered.)

Amir set up a swear jar and Rupert and Joan are the main contributors

(Rupert hates it)

Fitzroy and Porridge are very protective of Wenceslaus and now Elyina

Wenceslaus and Amir often argue and get caught up in insult matches

(Rupert has given up trying to make them stop, he only intervenes when Amir looks like he's about to throw the 6 year old out the window)

Rupert sometimes goes to visit the sirens, he enjoys their gossip

Cecily and Rupert go out and sit in odd places just to listen to drama, sometimes Rupert manages to drag Amir to listen as well

Cecily and Joan do get married but the have a small ceremony since Cecily wanted the memories of a wedding and Joan didn't really want a party

Amir and Rupert are both confused about each others superstitions but they try to understand each other

Amir and Rupert don't share pillows and blankets except in winter because Rupert has the warmest and the heartland gets colder than Amir is used to in the East

Amir and Rupert both speak different languages outside of English



They teach each other and plan on raising their kids to be multilingual

Rupert brings up the Chad era every time he wants something from desperately from Amir

(Amir usually caves because of guilt)

Rupert is the type to fall from a third story drop break his wrist and go " 'tis but a scratch"

Amir is extremely dramatic when he's sick, he will make someone who doesn't know him think he's seeing the other side

Wenceslaus doesn't have a high spice tolerance, while his dads can eat spicy food (Rupert's tolerance is growing)

Amir goes for morning runs/workouts

(Sometimes he get Rupert to join him)

(Very rarely)

Cecily spends her free time making clothes, mostly dresses, she will make things for Rupert and Amir

(She says there amazing models and are bearable to be around)

Rupert HATES ruffles

Wenceslaus often tosses clothing items from Lavinia or hides them, he also things they are ridiculous

Joan's hobby is doll making. She makes and paints delicate porcelain dolls

(None have clothes and few have hair)

(She doesn't have THAT much patience)

I imagine Joan as a spicy white with black hair

Cecily a blonde/brunette with brown eyes

I think the kingdoms are how kingdoms actually were, being very much racially segregated, which makes the heartland even more special because they have all people there.

(Before any accusations I'm not racist I'm black and Mexican)

Rupert can hold his liquor because of all the parties he was raised around

Amir cannot as seen in the first chapter

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