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"Woah!" A baby's cry rang in a home's backyard.

"What's wrong? Don't worry Sasuke, your big brothers will always be here for you." Itachi comforted the enfant in his hands with a smile and a soft voice. He then noticed movement coming from behind him. The culprit not taking the initiative to hide himself.

When he turned around, he saw his adoptive brother, Itachi had had some troubles adapting to the fact of not being alone anymore. That the person before him was now his brother. But with time, he grew to appreciate the feeling of having someone to talk to not being his parents or other arrogant kids and elders. He had grown attached to the feeling of equality and brotherhood.

Even if Dantes was weaker, he still considered him as stronger than himself. Dantes was just a civilian kid who got expelled from ninja school for being talent and chakraless. Yet, alone and without any kind of help, fend off 3 chunin ranked ninja laying an ambush. With no family, no one to care for him, he still stood tall and faced danger victoriously.

He knew his father's personality and way of thinking. In no way he would adopt someone, much less someone such as Dantes. But he didn't care less, he was happy and wanted to protect him as much as he wanted to protect Sasuke.


"Oh, sorry. I was dazed. Why are you so gloomy Dantes?" He then adorably shook his head and tilted his head curiously while inquiring.

His brother then helplessly smiled and looked at him and the enfant before sighing.

"Itachi, I want you to promise me that you will always care for the clan. Care for or our parents and brother."

Itachi was then extremely confused by this sudden request. His brother was never one to ask for things, especially things like these.

"W-what do yo-"

"Just promise me." Dantes' seriousness was overbearing.

"I... I promise. But why this sudden request? " He said hesitantly.

Dantes then solemnly looked at Sasuke and gave him an answer that made his heart ache.
"I'm going on a mission, a long one. Maybe months, maybe years. I don't know how long it will take, but know one thing. I will come back to meet you again."

When he finished talking, Sasuke started to cry loudly. At this sight, Danres smiled and picked him up.
"Don't worry little erratic ball, I will be fine. And I hope you will too."

The baby's cry then calmed down, replaced by the sound of soft snoring.

"Hahaha..." Dantes' laugh was short lived.

"Where are you going?" Itachi looked down spirited, to which Dantes smiled and patted him on the head gently.

"Don't worry about me, worry about our family." And with that, he made his way toward his mother's room and say his last goodbyes.

Itachi looked at his back and muttered silently.


The day after, his family reunited at the Uchiha's secret entrance. Even the Old man was present. He had taken a liking to this kid who frequently came to him to heal his wounds and couldn't help but treat him as a grandson. He patted the kid's shoulder while laughing.

"Don't worry kid! I've never seen a kid as tough as you. You will easily beat everyone!"

"Thanks Gramps."

His mother hugged him while Itachi and his father nodded at him with serious expressions.

"Well, everyone, I guess I'll be going. Take care of yourselves!" And with that short goodbye, Dantes was then accompanied by his father's untrusted subordinate who was going to bring to Amegakure border.

Everyone gloomily looked at him slowly disappearing into the distance. His presence which used to liven up the atmosphere disappearing.

Something that Fugaku hadn't told Dantes about his vision was the amount of blood and a figure he had seen. He didn't see the person's face as his back was facing him. This person had white neck length hairs, on his head was a quarter of a black and white mask with a protruding black horn and around him was an atmosphere of loneliness and eeriness...


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