Losts of question marks

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'I survived... Again... Thank you white-Ichigo.' A sigh escaped Dantes mouth.

{+7 coins rewarded for killing 7 low ranked chunins. Killing streak awarded, bonus Exp.}

{Exp quota reached, you have unlocked <Despair's Grasp>}


{<Despair's Grasp>: Allows the user to stir the victim's negative energy, making their inner hollow take control of their bodies. Use with extreme caution, the hollow will not be tamed.}

'That looks like a good tool to wreak havoc if I'm surrounded by multiple enemies.'

{Host's temporary access to Zenpakuto shop has been revoked. Please Complete the hidden 'Unlocking' Mission to get permanent access to shop.}

'W-what?! I paid for that!' He was enraged, his hard earned coins had literally gone down the drain. Well at least it's just the Zenpakuto access and not the whole thing or he wouldn't be able to upgrade his pitiful Reiryoku vessel limit.
And, as if to uplift his moral, the system sounded once more.

{Host has reached the kill quota, 'Summoning Shop' has been unlocked.}

'Hehe- eugh...Man~, my head is killing me...' He thought as he slowly lifter himself from the ground, his whole body trembling and agonizing at every movements.

'Well note to my self, never overuse reiryoku.' As he slowly tried to scratch the dried itchy blood on his face.

When he finally could muster the strength to sit up, he saw the eerie scene of impaled standing bodies and decapitated corpses. However, he didn't panic at all and was on the contrary fascinated by the spears of solid paper sheets.
'Was this your doing White-Ichigo?' He inquired.

<That was your Zanpakuto.> He suddenly heard a distorted voice in his mind. Not worrying about the fact that something was in his head, he asked further.
'You're finally answering back huh? Anyway, I don't remember my sword doing anything except being sharp.'

<That was your shikai release! Now stop bothering me!> The voice sounded angry. And just when he posed his other questions, he felt the link in his mind disappear.

'Why so damn grumpy~.'

His frustration then disappeared as he had a feeling of understanding something. Before he would just call his sword Shikigami no Shihai but as he was not really a japanese guy, he couldn't understand its meaning. But now, he could understand it.

'Shikigami no Shihai meant 'Control of Shikigami' but what could Shikigami mean? This sword also has a release form it's seems.' Dantes felt as if the sword was trying to communicate with him and suddenly he understood what the spears of papers came from.

'So one of the power of Shikigami no Shihai is Shikigami no Kami which means Paper of Shikigami. This form allows me to create and manipulate paper out of thin air. That's an interesting power but it looks extremely Reiryoku hungry. The sword is giving me the feeling of there being a lot more than this but won't tell me what... Anyway, I'm lost, hungry and tired...'

'Ah! I almost forgot I got a new shop. Summoning Shop.' This time, when he called out the shop's name, red text without images appeared before his eyes. His old Zanpakuto shop ised to show him a glimpse of what he was buying, yet here there only names.

{Summoning Shop: Soul king [????????????], Genryūsai Yhwach [???????????], Shigekuni Yamamoto [?????], ...}
'Well~, that's a lot of fucking question marks huh...' he became kind of depressed at the absurd prices, deducting that the lore question marks, the more expensive but also strong...

He then shook his head and limply searched every corpses but only found a small amount of money. Even their kunais and shurikens amounted to 2 or 3 for 7 persons.

"No wonder you scum wanted my skin so badly. You deserve to get bricks thrown at you hehe." As he mockingly spat out and was sure that wherever they were in the after life, they would be gritting their teeth.

He then looked into one direction and started walking randomly.


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