Kakuzu likes money

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"What did you make me walk all those stairs for, Nagato?" Dantes asked as he walked toward the ginger-haired man on the balcony.

"I'm sorry, but I need to conserve as much energy as I can. Konan couldn't be summoned. We will start our world domination in a while." Pain's voice was calm and charismatic. Now Dantes understood the former members of the First Alatauki. Yahiko's voice was that of a leader.

He then turned around and looked into his eyes.


In the secret meeting cave, spectral shapes appeared once again along with an extremely glitchy one.

"We searched every inch of that snake's hideout but couldn't find anything amidst the rumbles. We can't confirm that he's dead."

The hunched man controlled by Sasori and Deidara had been sent on a mission to capture or kill Orochimaru.

"Yeah agreed! His technique was weird as hell!" Deidara added on with a resenting tone.

The technique Edotensei had given them a hard time and if it weren't for the fact that Orochimaru's will was weaker or that the technique was still imperfect, they would still be there...

"Talking about immortality, I've found our next target. He's called Hidan and comes from Yugakure. He was dissatisfied with the peaceful lifestyle of his village and slaughtered his neighbors." Konan informed them.

"It's a mission from the Land of Hot Water, they couldn't kill him so they called us."

"Heee~, another immortal weirdo like that Orochimaru?"

"Yes, I will change the duos for this mission. Konan, Kakuzu, and another member will go on this mission." Pain's voice rang again.


A trio could be seen walking down a path in a forest in silence.

"So, who is this ?" Kakuzu broke the quiet. Except for money, everything else was irrelevant for him, yet he couldn't help but ask.

This kid the same height as Itachi gave him weird vibes. His long white hair flowed very gently in the wind and complimented his pale complexion along his opaque, almost abysmal black eyes. He didn't wear the Amatsuki uniform and just wore a plain robe.

"Why would you ask that?" Konan retorted. She didn't know why Nagato sent Dantes along with them. And she didn't like him being mixed with the kind of the Akatsuki.

"I am concerned about my safety."

"The paradox of the eternal being who fears the end of existence is a source of amusement and wonder. Don't worry mister Kakuzu, I don't have a bounty on my head." Kakuzu heard the teenager's voice for the first time. His words sounded philosophical and taunting so Kakuzu just hmphed.

"Did you have to come lady Konan? Scared I will kill him?"

"There's no sensory ninja in the Akatsuki. Also, I can be a good bait" Her words kind of confused him.

Their talk was brief as they arrived at a bloody scene.

On the ground was a red circle with a triangle in it. High up in the tree next to it was a man hanging by a kunai piercing his hands, his throat cut open. Blood slowly trickled down his body onto the ground.

They all approached the scene and stopped before the tree.

"He doesn't seem to have killed him because of vengeance or money. Did it for the pleasure of killing."

"You are right, Mister Kakuzo." The teenager next to him said. His agreement made Kakuzu nod.

"Alright let's start the plan." Konan cut them off, and both of them stared at her. Seemingly wondering how she would 'bait'.

"Here you go." As they were about to walk away, Kakuzu tensed up as he felt an object heading toward him. When he turned around, he caught a bloody pouch the teenager had thrown.

"What is in there?" He inquired.

The teenager before him then tilted his head; "I figured out that Mister Kakuzu liked money, so I took that from the hanging man. May not be a lot, but it still is money."

His words made Kakuzu's appreciation of him go up. Who didn't like moneand y more than him!

"Thank you." He nodded his head, his green eyes stared at him before quietly following Konan.


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