Chapter 2: Leaving & Meeting

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After making the vow to his parents Naruto started to train really hard as well gathering every important information in the village that will help him in future.

As for how powerful and skilled Naruto has become he is now at high chunin level as for how he got to that level he basically used shadow clones to his advantage as he can make 600 hundred clones make them do practice everything he wants to learn as he will get their memories and he also learned a new clone jutsu called blood clone from his mother scrolls. As for what he has learned from his father's scrolls is various elemental jutsu as now he can D-rank to B-rank element jutsu as well as some A-rank jutsu. He can perform the jutsus at high speed and has learned 5 taijutsu styles as he has perfect all 5 of them flawlessly. He has more taijutsu style to practice he knows how to perform them but he hasn't perfected them and he still can't to some of them as they require a more mature body so it can take the stress of the taijutsu styles or otherwise it can damage his body.

Now Naruto may have reached that level but he has to act normal as not give any indication to what he is doing to anyone because he knows if Hokage jiji or any ninja that kept watch on him find anything suspicious they will surely try everything they can to stop him from leaving the Village as he is a jinchuriki and they represent the power of the village so the village can never let go of them no matter how much hated they are in the village.

As for what Naruto has planned on how to leave the village he will leave just before his birthday or to villagers kyuubi festival. He planned to create a blood clone and put more chakra in it so it can last for two weeks and in that time he will be able to sneak out of the village and cross the borders easily and take a boat and go to the land of whirlpools.

"Now Time to get ready."Naruto said
"I am fully prepared to leave this awful village tonight and no one will be able to stop me." he thought


As Naruto is prepared to leave the village. He checks everything just to make sure he has taken every thing of importance as Naruto has learned fuinjutsu he is now a level 5 seal expert as he has learned it from his parents notes in the manor. He can now make all types of seal as an expert he has yet to reach a seal masters level which is level 8 and truth to be told he only got to that level is due the immense help from the shadow clones had it not been for that jutsu he would not even be at level 3 let alone level 5 but that aside after learning how to make storage seals. He stores everything from the library of his parents house and also copies any of the jutsu he can from the konoha library as he has also copied the jutsus from the scrolls of sealing which is in the hokage office.

" It still baffled me how easy it was to sneak in the hokage tower as well as gather information and copy the scrolls of sealing. You would have thought they have kept it in a tight security. Oh well not my problem" Naruto thought

As he also takes the information he has collected from konoha and truth to be told he did it with ease. He thought ninja in the anbu has become really lax due to the time of peace and it is quite embarrassing for the anbu division as a almost 7 year old boy can sneak in the anbu base who is not even a ninja yet. Okay yes he was not an untrained boy but it is still shameful for the anbu who are highly trained individuals to not even sense that someone has entered their base.

"Really it was too easy but then again it tends to happen as people have become lax and lazy in peaceful times. As well as some arrogance had a hand in it as konoha has been hailed as the strongest shinobi village. It tends to make some ninja heck civilians feel smug about it and let their guard down also blind then from the dangers" Naruto thought before going back to what he was doing.

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