Chapter 3: Recruitment

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"There he is!!" said a kiri hunter nin
"Get him!!" said another hunter nin
"Kill him! Kill this filth!!" ordered the leader of the three who were chasing after a white haired boy.

"Why are you doing this?! I didn't do anything to you so why are you trying to kill me?!!"screamed kimimaro, a 9 year old boy with long straight white shoulder length hair with two separate partings on either side of the face with the rest of the hair tied in a loose pony tail at the back, a slightly round face with two dots on his forehead, vivid green eyes and pale white skin.

The only response he got is to get slashed from the kiri hunter nin which he almost connected but he dodged at the last minute

"I asked you a question!! Answer me!!" Kimimaro screamed again

"Isn't it obvious? We are killing you because of filth like you that we suffered from war!!"said the leader nin

"We will purge the filth like you from our home!!"shouted the other kiri nin and moved to attack again.

But before the hunter nin could attack he was suddenly pushed with such high wind pressure that he sent across the clearing before the other two nin could react their heads were cut off by the arrival of the two people whose faces were hidden by the hood.

Kimimaro looked in confusion at the situation but still remained on guard in front of these strangers. Sure they may have saved his life but it is better to be safe than sorry.

"Who are you?!" Kimimaro demanded

The strangers turned to look at him. Then one of them said

"We just saved your life and that's how you are going to thank us."asked back the one on the left side.

"Stop it ryūga."Said the one on the right side then he looked at kimimaro.

"We are only here to help you. We don't come here with any ill intent."Said the one on the right side taking his hood off to show that he wasn't hostile with one on the left doing the same.

That's when kimimaro got a good look at them the one on the right have spiky blond hair, tan skin with ocean blue eyes with three whisker marks on both of his cheeks and the one on the left have slik white hair tan skin, ember eyes with a scar above his right eye brow.

The young kaguya after observing them relaxed slightly seeing as all of them were of similar age but not let his guard down completely.

"Who are you both and what do you want?" Kimimaro demanded again.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and he is ryūga shimura and as to what we want we have a proposition for you but I would like to know why these people hunter nin were trying to kill you before I make that proposition." Naruto said calmly.

Kimimaro did not like talking, after all the only time he communicated with someone before now was through violence, but something inside of him is telling him not to do that as he won't handle both of them who from the looks of it are stronger than him.

"These nin were trying to kill me because of the bloodline I possess as of right now there is civil war going on in the country between the faction who wants to kill bloodline users and the rebel one who wants to protect themselves."kimimaro answered the question he was asked

At this the one named ryūga shimura who was looking around still on alert as not to get attacked looked back at kimimaro and decided to ask him

"Why do they want to kill bloodline users aren't they one of the military powers of the village?" Ryūga asked as he himself had a bloodline and is curious as to what caused this type of madness from the Mizukage.

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