Ch. 14

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With the faint sound of ghungroos alongwith the warmth of sunrays, Shubman slowly woke up from his slumber. He opened his eyes with a small smile, realising from the occasional sweet jingly sound of the anklets that Ishan already woke up, like always.

Shubman sat up, eyes wondering around the room, only trying to follow the sound. Well, Ishan never stays still at one place anyway, he is always going here and there to do something at least, shubman chuckled as he thought.

He at last peeked his face out of the window to get a glimpse of the younger , shied when he did not find him.
Shubman went to do his morning chores.

Shubman slipped in his clothes looking at the mirror, he combed his hair , when he felt a sweet melody waving into his ear.

Shubman followed it, leading himself to their living space. There he saw the shorter male sitting on a stool in front of the piano, finger gliding through the instrument smoothly as his eyes tried to follow the correct notes written in his book. Ishan was unaware of his husband's presence, and Shubman leaned to the wall, observing Ishan.

The light blue lace detailed shirt, pretty silver ear hooks, mullet hair and pearl necklace. Legs moving occasionally to add sounds of anklets making the melody sweeter.

Shubman was again slipping into a daze, Ishan was a beautiful, maybe an angel, if Shubman is accurate. Well , not a new thing, for shubman he is been finding Ishan a bit too beautiful from the past week. The way the shorter male smiles , the way he tugs his hair strands behind his ears sometimes, his giggled or rosy cheeks.

Ishan is very pretty when he is happy.

Even though Shubman shouldn't think of it, as for him he decided to only help Ishan. Not to fall in love with him and actually be a couple. He wants to help ishan as a friend, guide Ishan untill he completes his education and become successful. Then Ishan can explore and find anyone he wants to spend his life with, but shubman decided he will let Ishan stay with him, for as long as he wants.

Shubman's thoughts interrupted with humming sound in a deep but sweet voice.

Ishan started to sing a verse of his newly learned song.

Drink to me only with thine eyes,

And I will pledge with mine;

Or leave a kiss but in the cup,

And I'll not look for wine.

Shubman kept staring at the boy with wide eyes, amazed by his deep melodious voice.

The thirst that from the soul doth rise

Doth ask a drink divine;

But might I of Jove's nectar sup,

I would not change for thine

Ishan's eyes followed to his side as he kept playing the piano, he noticed his husband, leaning on the wall, eyes focused on him.

Ishan smiled a bit, cheeks catching hint of pinkish shed. Ishan felt shy but he continued to sing.

Shubman smiled back, making ishan look down to the piano.

♫︎Kotobaro Bhebechhinu Apona Bhuliya
(Many a times I reckoned to unlock myself )

♫︎Tomaro chorone dibo hrridoyo khuliya
(To unwrap my heart in the feet of yourself)

Since thenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon