𝟒𝟏- 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒆𝒇𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎..

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The chapter is a long one but is worth it reading. It's in Urdu more cuz I wrote it in proper English first but "mazaa nahi aaya" , "charm nahi tha"

It's an important chapter don't skip


Eda came home by herself and opened the door. She went in their room and saw Shehryaar sitting in dark on the floor.

"Siri, turn on the lights" she said loudly & the lights turned on.

"Sherry? You're home? Why are you sitting on the floor?" She said coming towards him

"Why didn't you come to pick me up?" She asked and he got up

"Anas must've dropped you, didn't he?" He asked

"No! I took a cab, why are you asking a weird question" she said & smiled coming towards her.

"Your hand is bleeding, the floor is bloody, what happened?" She asked checking out his palm

"Nothing Begum, i accidentally broke the glass" he lied smiling at her

He played a song in background & pulled her closer & she collided on his chest.

"What are you doing?" She gasped at his sudden action

"Having romance with my wife" he whispered & gripped his hand on her waist tightly & one hand in her hand tightly

He started swaying slightly smiling weirdly & she was looking at him in confusion

He twirled her & pulled her back with force so that her back collided his rock like chest & he gripped her waist tightly to which she gasped

"Sh.. Sherry..what are you doing?" She gasped as his hold was tighter & he was swaying in that position itself

"Romance begum" he whispered in her ear brushing his lips on it

"Leave me please" she whispered back as his proximity was intimidating her

"Why baby? Don't you enjoy with me? Hmm? Do I scare you?" He asked im a weird tone in her ear sending shivers down her spine

"N..No..not like that" she stuttered

"So then? What did you mean? Why do you deny me always?" He whispered huskily & she tried to free herself from him

But he tightened his hold instead. He moved his hands under her top roughly sliding on her waist to chest & she gasped
He nuzzled his face on crook of her neck roughly. Rubbing his nose & beard & she tilted her head to give him access cuz she felt scared to deny him now.

"Where were you honey? All day? Tell me your whereabouts & activities" he mumbled on her skin sucking it harshly

"U..University" she whispered closing her eyes

"With Anas?" He asked & bit her neck to which she gasped

"What.." she was confused

"Where were you, with whom? Just a simple question... answer me Darling.." he said in a calm but intimidating voice

She didn't answer cuz he was continuously sucking her skin like a leech, biting it & his hands freely moving up & down inside her top roughly kneading her bosoms.

He bit one more time a little harshly & she flinched coming out of his hold swiftly.

"Sherry, you're hurtin' me" she gasped

"You didn't look scared like this in those pictures? Then Why with me Eda?" He asked folding his arms on his chest

"Which pictures Sherry?" She asked

 𝐌𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐨 𝐆𝐚𝐲𝐢 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now