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Finnaly gonna make one of their perspective to make it easier to show one of their emotions.



Lucifers pov:

I moved around my bed, feeling cold until I hugged my big pillow closer. I stopped, feeling it move.

'Wait, since when did I have a big pillow?'

I was about to open my eyes, but I still felt so tired, and the warmth coming from this pillow was so nice...

'Doesn't matter...'

Suddenly I felt a sudden feeling of arms wrapped around me.
Tensing up at this, I started to realize maybe this wasn't a pillow. Opening my eyes to check I had my head buried in someone's chest, not a pillow.

'Wait...I know these clothes-'
"Oh, shit!" I yelled instantly getting up, as Alastor was now awake, I lost my balance falling face first on the floor.


"Oww..." I mumbled sitting up my head now hurting. Before I looked up at my bed to see Alastor who was looking at me before looking away.

"W-what are you doing in my bed?!" I asked getting off from the floor. Alastors face looked a bit red or something but I ignored it wanting an answer.

"You fell asleep on my lap so I tried to get you off, and help you lay down on your bed instead but once I did you grabbed me and pulled me close to you...and I couldn't get out." My face quickly turned red at that statement. Shit. I looked away from him embarr- assed and flustered.

"You could've just woken me up." I responded, he just shrugs.
"You were having a nightmare, I thought it'd be best to not wake you, and let you keep holding onto me." He answered, I stayed quiet Still processing everything.

'I wish I still was-Wait what? No. No. No. NO! Don't say that. you're with Lilith, for fucks sake!' I mentally screamed at myself feeling my face heat up even more.

"shortie? You okay? Your face is really uhh red." He pointed out with an amused smile, which made me go even more red.

"That's all I did right? Just held you close. right?" I asked ignoring his question. Wanting to make sure I didn't say or do anything that'll make me when more embarrassed.
He just shook his head no. I sigh in relief. Before looking at the red haired demon "I'm sorry if I may have made you uncomfortable during the whole night," I said with a sorry look. "I was really out of it, huh?" I jokingly said trying to break the ice between us at the moment.

"Well at least you finnaly got some rest for once."

My pointy ears perked up slightly hearing him say this. I smirk as I appeared closer to Alastor. Catching him off guard as I poked his face with a smug look.

"Awww don't tell me your actually starting to care about me~" I said in a flirty tone he growled at me, trying to look tough like always, but it was obvious he was embarrassed. His face was even getting reder.
Which filed my need to keep teasing him.

"Stop touching me." Alastor warned, I didn't listen still poking him.

"Nah, I like seeing you so worked up about this just because of me~, dear-" I stopped myself. Why the fuck am I giving him cheesy names now? As if I'm dating him? I looked down at Alastor who was still sitting on the bed groaning annoyed, but now looking happier that I stopped touching him.
His deer ears twitching one of them laying flat on his head. Making him look even more cuter than usual...

'Was he always this Cute?' I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. Why Why I acting like this suddenly? Jesus.

"Are you just gonna keep staring at me?" I snapped back in realizing I've been staring at Alastor for a while now. I looked away trying to act normal again.
"Sorry." I said, he sighs before getting up grabbing his cane.
Almost out the door before he looked back at me. "You comeing?" "Huh?" "To make Angel, and Niftty some food. You know they'll both end up just coming here too annoy you if you don't." He pointed out. Which was true if I didn't go now I'd be getting attacked by Nifftys needle and her bugs. I shuddered in disgust thinking about it.

"Yeah, coming." I said walking out my room with him as we walked together to the elevator heading to the kitchen. It was silent between us.
Ofcourse it was! I literally woke up to be sleeping with that stupid radio demon. All because I fell asleep on him and held him close...it was nice though. Why do I keep wishing I was still in bed with him?

' I'm supposed to love Lilith. '

Really because it seems that you're starting to fall for this sinner. You fucker

I shot my head back expecting to see someone behind me but nothing. My eyes grew wide as I started to feel uneasy "Shit, not again please..." "not what again?" Alastor chimed in, raising a brow. I said that out loud, damn it.

"Nothing!" I yelled instantly. Alastor looked at me, clearly not buying it.

"You know I'm here." "What?" "I know I was pushy last time, and I must say, that still apologize for that. But, I'm here for you, if you ever need to talk about it. I know you keep things to yourself especially stuff from your Daughter."

I looked over at him, my heart skipping a beat. ( like how it's supposed too)
I felt butterflies, from hearing his statement. Since when was he this nice? And to me? Did I scare him that much? Probably.
I gaze down at the floor. I did keep stuff away from Charlie but that's because I never had opportunities to talk to her. And she's closer to her mom... but, I don't know about now.

"You don't have to answer me right now Luci. Anytime you want I'm here." He reassures keeping his gaze straight ahead looking like his usual self.
"And don't forget to smile!~ It's important to always have a smile on your face~" Alastor explained, I smile amused at his statement finding it amusing.

"Haha, I think that's more of a you thing Bambi~"

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