Chapter 1 • | 𝓐𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓭

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(At the day of his 36th birthday)

Stepping out of my Matt Black Audi R8 I made my way to one of my main villa which was the venue for the celebrations of my thirty-sixth birthday. I hate celebrating birthdays in the first place but my mother has a special likings for celebrations and parties which to me, are a total waste of time. But then again she is my mother so I have to make a compromise for her happiness.

My right hand man, Arthur was already waiting for me at the large entrance of the villa. The guards present there bowed down in respect. Arthur greeted me and told me about the preparations of the party. I went inside as Arthur went over all that boring bullshit.

''Come to the point Arthur, did you invite Fernandez and his family?''

''I did Alessandro. He will be attending along with his daughters.''

''His arrival is extremely important. I need to settle down with Sicily, under my territory and family. Its a key location and if Fernandez agrees all of Italy will be mine. I will be leaving now and I will see you at the party.''

Saying that I left for my main mansion.


It was 8 pm and I was ready to leave for the party. I was well dressed in a my black three piece suit and shinny leather shoes. My hair was neatly combed back giving my hair line the perfect shape. Fixing my diamond cufflinks for the last time, I walked out of the vast estate.

Within thirty-five minutes I reached the destination which was brightly lit. All the guest were pouting into the large villa. I was used to seeing blood thirsty monsters wearing their fake masks and putting up a good act. Thought I was also doing the same.

As I walked into the gigantic hall the sound of my footsteps echoed through the large room shutting the mouths of everyone talking there except a girl who kept talking to another girl. She had her short black hair fall over her shoulders and she was wearing a leopard printed dress with gold jewelry that complemented her skin tone. She was a tigress in a pit of lions. I kept staring at her and she didn't bother to steal a glance at me instead she kept on with her conversation.

The silent and dead hall came back to life when I allowed them to continue with their conversations. My eyes scanned the hall for a particular guest for sake of whom I attended this godforsaken party. My eyes met with a pair of old brown ones which belonged to the guest who I was waiting to meet. Fernando Thiago Fernandez, the Don of the Sicilian Mafia. The man who could give make me the King of Sicily. He approached me as I made a few steps to his direction. A young girl probably twenty years old who was the same girl talking to the tigress also accompanied him.

''Alessandro, what a pleasure to finally see you, I was getting impatient to see the very person, the King of the Italian Mafia. I asked about you from your dear mother but she kept me busy with her extraordinary sense of humor.'' He started the conversion.

''I could say the same for you Fernando. In fact I am thankful that the great Fernandez Family of Sicily graced me with their kind presence. And who shall this lovely lady be?''

He replied, ''Oh! this is Athena my youngest daughter. She serves as an obedient daughter who takes care of her old father. Happy Birthday to you Russo. You have lived an amazing thirty six years.''

''Thank you Fernandez you are not too bad yourself living sixty-four ripe years.''

We both chuckled followed by the light laughter of his daughter.

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