Chapter 3: Daylight Charms

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The soft sound of the bell above the door let Lee Minwoo know that a new customer had arrived at the charming bookstore where she worked. When the guests came in, Minwoo smiled and spoke to them. He had been sorting a stack of books at the time.

"Hello and welcome to Moonlit Pages. Do you need help finding something right now?" He asked in a warm and friendly way.

A youthful woman with a thoughtful look looked through the bookshelves with interest. Watching her closely, Minwoo noticed that she liked reading mystery and magic books.

"I want to find a new book to read. Do you have any ideas you'd like to share?" The woman asked as she looked back at Minwoo.

She turned pink when she looked at Minwoo. Her heart skipped a beat with a strange thrill when she saw his smile. He had a clear air of being unique about him. His attractiveness was heightened by a strange air that seemed to circle him, which kept her interested but unable to fully understand. Having a charm that was beyond compare, he seemed to be hiding secrets from her.

"Yes, of course. Have you read Haejin Park's "The Nightingale's Song"? The books Minwoo was pointing to were described as a fascinating mix of mystery and romance.

Minwoo felt a strong desire when she heard Haejin Park's name. Haejin was his first love many hundreds of years ago, but tragedy broke them up. He was still troubled by thoughts of the good times they had together, which made him feel sad about losing her.

The client's eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds interesting. Please give me a copy," she excitedly said as she reached for the book.

The bell above the door rang again while Minwoo was finishing up the deal at the register. Another customer walked in. This time it was an older man with a sly look in his eye.

"Oh, Minwoo, my boy!" The man announced with a happy laugh, "I'm looking for an interesting journey book to take me away."

Minwoo chuckled enjoying the comfort of having a regular customer. "What do you think of 'The Lost City of Atlantis' by Joonwoo Kim?" He pointed the man to the adventure area by saying it was an exciting story of travel and finding.

Voices could be heard softly in the bookstore as Minwoo helped customers. He showed his deep knowledge of literature and genuine enthusiasm for every suggestion. Minwoo couldn't ignore the feeling of unease that was there, even though the place was calm.

Minwoo enjoyed a peaceful moment at the counter, basking in the sunlight filtering through the windows and creating beautiful patterns on the floor. He watched the busy street scene, which was full of normal people going about their daily lives.

Minwoo found peace in this cozy bookstore, where the smell of old paper and ink filled the air. It gave him refuge from the shadows of his nighttime adventures and a place to get lost in stories and the calm rhythm of everyday life.

But even though Minwoo was in a familiar shop full of books and friendly people, he still couldn't get rid of the weight of his secret. In his mind, his gumiho nature kept coming back to him, always reminding him of the secret dangers.

Minwoo sighed and then turned his attention back to the person at the bar. His smile was warm and friendly. He chose to lose himself in books and delay the adventures of the night until later.

While looking at the nicely arranged books behind the counter, Minwoo was already thinking about the heist that was going to happen later that night. The customers' arrival was announced by a bell above the door, which made him smile and greet them.

There were people there, including Detective Jiyeon and her coworker. Actively talking when they got there, not realizing that Minwoo could hear what they were saying.

"I'm telling you, it's not safe for you to work by yourself again," Jiyeon's worried friend said.

"I can handle it," Jiyeon said with strong confidence. "Tonight, I also need to keep the amulet safe. I am going to keep it in my sight. Who knows, someone might come tonight to see how appealing it is."

Minwoo listened in on their talk and smiled slyly. That evening, Jiyeon would be back at the museum to keep an eye on the valuable item he planned to steal. He felt like luck was on his side.

Pretending to be busy by putting books back on the shelf, he was listening in on their conversation. Although Jiyeon and her coworker talked about the museum's cycle, Jiyeon was adamant that she would not change her position.

Walking outside with his takeaway cups in hand, Minwoo saw them through the window. Jiyeon's determined face and her coworker's worried face made for an interesting scene. He could feel the stress in the air and his excitement about what would happen that night was building.

Through a subtle nod, Minwoo recognized Jiyeon's plans. That evening, he made up his mind to do something, even though the detective was watching out for the amulet.


There was a bright moon in the sky at night, casting a silvery light over the city of Seoul. While waiting for the perfect night to pull off a heist, Lee Minwoo changed his clothes. Later that night, he changed from the friendly shop worker into the mysterious Fox in a Suit, getting ready to pull off another risky theft.

Aim for the famous Seoul Museum of Art, which holds priceless items and treasures. A certain object, the Amulet of Seonhwa, was said to have old powers that captivated Minwoo. Being tempted by something said to grant wishes, the Fox in a Suit couldn't say no.

Using his gumiho reflexes, Minwoo expertly climbed the outside walls of the museum. His quick figure moved through the shadows without making a sound, blending in with the darkness like a ghost. He got to a window on the second floor and heard the soft sound of footsteps coming from inside.

Jiyeon, the watchful agent, was making her way through the museum hallways as Minwoo looked through the glass. She stayed alert, looking in every corner for any sign of the sneaky thief. Although she was in his way, Minwoo couldn't help but admire her dedication.

Unfazed, Minwoo carefully opened the window and walked into the museum without making a sound. He moved gracefully past the security cameras and sensors. The Amulet of Seonhwa was getting closer, creating an enticing pull for him.

Along the way to the show hall, Minwoo was greeted by the valuable item. In the dim light, the amulet sparkled, and its intricate design caught the eye. Feeling the smooth metal between his fingers, Minwoo quickly reached out to grab it.

The museum's alarm system went off all at once, filling the room with bright light. Being focused on the target in front of her, Jiyeon walked into the hall with her gun drawn. The Fox in a Suit was finally caught, and she wasn't going to let him get away.

"Freeze! Drop the amulet!" The sound of Jiyeon's authoritative speech could be heard throughout the empty hall.

As he stood across from the detective, Minwoo's heart was racing. He noticed the strong determination in her eyes, the way she was always going to hold him responsible. Nevertheless, he couldn't let her get in the way of his goal.

Minwoo quickly put the charm in his pocket and smiled sneakily. "I'm sorry, Detective Jiyeon, but I can't do what you want. I now have this in my hands."

Minwoo quickly dodged Jiyeon's shots with an amazing ability to do so effortlessly. He moved smoothly through the hall, thoughtfully planning each step. Jiyeon was a tough opponent because she could instantly figure out what he was doing and counter it.

They moved around each other like animals that were after each other, and the air was tense. The amulet's old power was pulsing in Minwoo's pocket, pushing him to use it. He knew it was risky because the amulet's power could change quickly, and he couldn't let himself lose control.

There was a standoff, and Minwoo quickly made a choice. He threw the amulet to Jiyeon without thinking about it, his eyes lit up with a joking dare.

"Now you have it, Detective. It's time to see if you can handle its power," Minwoo joked, his voice full of pranks.

Jiyeon was able to grab the amulet and felt its strong energy flow through her. There was old magic running through her, giving her strength and clarity. She raised the amulet with a fresh feeling of security. It gave off a bright light that enchanted the whole hall. 

Jiyeon tightly held on to the Amulet of Seonhwa as intense power rushed through her body. She was devoured by the gem's old magic, which gave her a sense of strength and importance.

Within a moment, she was surrounded by a stunning display of light and energy, and the world around her disappeared. The amulet's power was hypnotic, and its energy protected her.

The moment Jiyeon lifted the amulet, she became suddenly aware of what was going on. She was mesmerized by the charm's amazing power and could feel it working on her deepest levels.

She was almost able to use its power when a strange figure, its shape hidden by darkness, appeared next to her. An unreal figure reached out its hands, and the coldness of its touch was disturbing. It has a tail, too many tails. Her mind started to get busy.

A familiar voice called out, "Detective Jiyeon!"

As Jiyeon fought against the figure, her heart was pounding because they had a tight grip on the amulet. The thing quickly took the gem from her hand, making her feel weak and exposed.

As the charm left Jiyeon's hand, she felt a rush of energy. She struggled to stay standing as the room spun around her. The strength was too much for her weak body to handle.

Jiyeon gasped as her vision got blurry, and she finally passed out in the dark.

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