Chapter 13: An Unexpected Guest

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That night, Jiyeon couldn't turn off her mind. The things that happened that day kept going through her mind in a loop. She was tense and anxious as she thought about the mysterious man she had met. Even though he was accusing her, she couldn't help but think about how good he was at martial arts.

As she carefully sat on the edge of her bed, the moonlight casting a soft, dreamlike glow over the room, she ran her fingers through her messy hair. "He's pretty good at martial arts, and he's pretty good-looking too," she said under her breath with a small smile on her face. However, her face quickly turned angry as she thought about what he had said.

She didn't know it, but there was a strange presence in the dark areas of her room, watching her every move very carefully. After yawning, Jiyeon stopped suddenly because she felt someone looking at her, which made her feel immediately on edge. As she put out her hand, the room became increasingly tense with expectation. She carefully moved her fingers toward the gun that was hidden under her bed. While she carefully looked over the shadows, her heart beat faster with fear and doubt.

"Who is there?" Her soft voice could be heard clearly in the empty room. "Show yourself!"

The figure was alone in the stillness, and its eyes shone with a divine light. Jiyeon's grip on the gun got stronger, and she fixed her eyes on the person in front of her, determined to figure out who they were.

Suddenly, she felt a force on her chest that she didn't expect, blocking her airway. She was filled with fear as she fought against the unexpected strength that had her captive. Fear and adrenaline were pumping through her body as she fought an unseen enemy.

"Give me up!" There was a sense of urgency in Jiyeon's words, and she could feel fear and confusion in her body. "Who are you? What do you want?"

As the light in the room faded, Jiyeon noticed a change. As its face gradually revealed itself through the glass, she couldn't help but let out a gasp. Jiyeon knows that the person on top of her is human, but he also has something unique about him that makes him stand out in the dark. His eyes are an enticing shade of amber and shine with a beautiful brightness that makes Jiyeon think of danger and mischief. Nine long, soft tails move easily and look like snakes with a slight silver sheen. An elegant, dark wave of hair falls over his shoulder and captures Jiyeon's attention. It makes him more mysteriously appealing. An interesting mix of human and fox-like features make up his face. He is so beautiful that it seems to go beyond this world. His cheeks are very high, and his ears are pointed. On his right wrist, there is a complicated tattoo with old lines and symbols. There is a soft glow coming from his scar when he uses his magical abilities. His perfectly cut black suit and smart attitude make him look completely classy. A wild and unruly spirit, disguised as a gumiho, lies beneath this polished appearance, though.

"Hello, detective," he said. His voice was silky smooth, with a hint of danger. "Have you missed me?"

Jiyeon's mind was racing as she tried to make sense of what was going on. "F-Fox?" Her head was so full of shock that she could barely hear herself speak. How was he able to get into her room? What was the reason he was there?

His voice was so beautiful that it hypnotized Jiyeon. The tone was deep, smooth, and authoritative. Its authoritative presence sends chills down the spines of anyone who hears it. It has an enchanting character, a touch of mystery, and charm. His voice is as soft as silk, but it has an inescapable air of threat that makes it all the more frightening. He shouldn't be taken lightly because his voice is distinctive and memorable.

"Y-You're not a human..." Jiyeon quietly said.

If you look closely, you can see that the gumiho is smiling naughtily, which makes Jiyeon feel cold. "Who said I'm a human?"

As the gumiho carefully stroked Jiyeon's face, her heart fluttered like a bird confined in a cage. The way he touched her, which was both warm and unsettling, gave her chills. While he looked at her, she could feel his warm breath on her soft skin. She was scared and confused as she tried to make sense of what was happening in front of her.

'Shit! Is he going to kiss me? I never thought he'd be the one to give me my first kiss!' Jiyeon thought

She was having a hard time keeping her breath as Jiyeon's mind was racing. Jiyeon was stunned and scared as the gumiho got closer, and she didn't know what to say.

But her answer was cut short when the gumiho's mood changed quickly. He wrinkled his face and looked at her with the deepest of looks. He suddenly disappeared from above her, leaving Jiyeon completely confused and lost.

Swiftly, Jiyeon reached for her weapon and looked around the room for any sign of the mysterious intruder. She saw him standing by the doorway, holding her gun, and smiling slyly.

"What do you want?" Although Jiyeon spoke with a determined air of confidence, a slight tremor of fear revealed her true feelings. "There are no valuable possessions in my house, so you can't steal anything from me."

The gumiho leaned in and drew closer before suddenly appearing in front of her, casting a shadow. Jiyeon stopped moving because his focused gaze had her heart racing.

'What the heck is he doing? How come I can't move? Could such a being be considered a r*pist?' Fear and uncertainty were racing through Jiyeon's mind. She was upset and didn't know what to do when the gumiho showed up and behaved in a way that she didn't expect.

A sly grin played on the gumiho's lips as he raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating," he whispered. "I... I can hear you."

"I'm not talking. What on earth are you talking about?" As her body trembled with excitement, Jiyeon's words strained to be heard.

Suddenly, the gumiho leaned in toward Jiyeon and whispered, "You have something that is truly mine, detective." His lips lightly touched her ear. "And I want it back."

A surge of anxiety and uncertainty whipped through Jiyeon, causing her heart to pound in her chest. What was his problem? Above all else, the most important issue was: how could she get out of this dangerous situation alive?

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