Chapter 15: Demon

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Jiyeon felt a whirlwind of mixed feelings as she led Han-neul inside the room. As she struggled to collect herself, her heart pounded, still quivering from the experience with the gumiho.

"Come in, Han-neul," she said, her voice a little shaky as she closed the door behind them. "What is the latest news about Kim Ji Sung?"

Han-neul looked around the room, noting how messy Jiyeon looked. "Is everything okay, Detective? Something about you seems... off."

In spite of the emotional hurricane building within her, Jiyeon forced herself to smile, determined to keep her calm. "I'm fine; I just had a tremendously hectic day at work, and it's now late, as you all know. Now, tell me a little bit about Kim Ji Sung."

After taking a big breath, Han-neul's face became grave. "Unfortunately, this is not good news, Detective. Kim Ji Sung died tragically."

Nervousness was racing through Jiyeon's veins. "Dead? How?"

Hal-neul shook his head. "We're not sure yet. There seems to have been some strange behavior, but our study is still going on. Strangely, his Enigma Puzzle doesn't seem to be there anymore."

Jiyeon's mind was racing. The Enigma Puzzle was the same thing that the Fox in a Suit had taken. Could it possibly be related?

"Have you found any possible leads?" When Jiyeon asked, she tried to keep her tone calm.

Han-neul made a hesitant pause. "Not a lot." Strangely, though, his dead body held a small, detailed bead. I have never seen anything like that before."

Suddenly, Jiyeon couldn't breathe. A bead that is very sneaky. Could this be the one the gumiho was looking for?

"Do you have the bead with you?" Jiyeon asked, her mind full of all the possible answers.

Han-neul nodded and took out a small ziplock plastic bag that contained a jeweled bead. Jiyeon had taken the same one without realizing it.

"This was found clasped in the hand of Kim Ji Sung," Han-neul said. "We have no idea how or why he obtained it."

Jiyeon could feel her heart beating fast. "I will help to investigate."

Her worried eyes met Han-neul's. "Detective, are you okay? It looks like you've changed in an obvious way."

To try to soothe her nerves, Jiyeon forced a grin. "Han-neul, I am doing OK." Uneasy. "I'll take care of it."

After Han-neul left, Jiyeon's imagination was infinite. The powerful memory of their hug and the gumiho's words continued to echo in her mind. While she was aware of the critical need to protect the fox bead and herself, she couldn't shake the unexplainable pull toward the gumiho.

Meanwhile, Minwoo and Ryu wasted no time in making their way to the house of the rich old gentleman after getting information about his plight from the birds. They ran up to the site of the murder, where the corpse lay still, and pretended to be detectives.

"I was expecting to have some playtime with him just after he had just gone away," Minwoo said with a broken heart and a heavy voice, showing his regret. "Who could have done this, though?"

Ryu took a seat and carefully looked around the area where the body had been found. "Minwoo, check this out. It doesn't look like someone made this."

Minwoo sat beside Ryu, frowning. The place possessed a mysterious vibe that no one else noticed.

"What are your thoughts? Who is responsible for this?" Ryu asked.

Minwoo violently pushed his hand across the ground, startling Ryu.

"Minwoo, you truly are quite the curious one," Ryu quietly said while chuckling.

Minwoo inhaled Ryu's aroma intently as he held his nose to his. Ryu pulled back his hand, a scowl forming on his face.

"He's still alive," Minwoo remarked with a serious tone.

"Still alive?" Ryu was clearly confused. "Do you mean..."

A sudden force sped past them before Minwoo could respond. The source of the noise—an enigmatic figure far out in the distance—immediately captured their attention. The monstrous creature I encountered was truly terrifying; its horns, claws, and fangs could sever steel. As it showed its menacing abilities, its skin, a vivid shade of crimson, seemed to change colors. Kim Ji Sung, who had been a collector before, had changed drastically.

Ryu frowned. "It looks like an unexpected yokai arrived on our land."

"Give me back the Enigma," the yokai growled as it closed in on them.

"Humanity's frailty rests in predictable patterns," Minwoo sighed. "Once again, these monsters have taken advantage of them."

As the nine-tailed fox Minwoo and the dragon Ryu faced forth against the fearsome Oni Kim Ji Sung had transformed into, tension was palpable. As it drew near, the Oni's horns and claws gleamed in the dark crime scene, and its eyes blazed with a terrifying intensity.

Minwoo's nine tails twirled elegantly behind him, ready to attack with deadly accuracy. His mind raced with potential plans and computations as he studied the scenario with a keen eye. Ryu joined him and drew closer to the ground in his dragon form, ready to pounce.

A wild roar came from the Oni, and its sound echoed through the room like a loud thunderstorm. It charged forward, its claws cutting through the air so precisely that they could kill. With the grace and accuracy of experienced fighters, Minwoo and Ryu moved through the Oni's constant attacks with ease.

The Oni was shocked for a moment when Minwoo's tails hit it with such speed. Every hit was delivered with great accuracy, aimed at Oni's weak spots. At the same time, Ryu let out a strong blast of fire from his mouth that fully engulfed the Oni in flames.

The Oni roared so loudly that it was hard to hear, and its body was on fire. The monster thrashed around and flailed its huge hands in an attempt to put out the fires and get back at those who dared to question it. Minwoo and Ryu moved with a beautiful grace that drew you in. Their bodies moved together smoothly as they kept attacking.

As the fight went on, the room turned into a chaotic battlefield of fire and anger. As the Oni's attack got stronger, Minwoo and Ryu stood their ground without giving up. They didn't give up as the battle went on; they were determined to keep fighting. Their attention was fixed, and they moved in perfect sync with each other.

As Minwoo's tails danced through the air, they hit the Oni quickly and repeatedly. The heat from Ryu's flames grew stronger, burning Oni's skin and making it fall backwards. The Oni tripped and fell to the ground. As the fight went on and on, it lost strength.

With precise blows, Minwoo and Ryu dealt the final hit that ended it all. In pain, Oni's roar rang through the air, and its loss was clear as it fell to the ground.

Minwoo and Ryu were gasping for air as they celebrated their victory over their enemy. It got very quiet in the room. The only sounds that could be heard were the popping of the flames and their heavy breaths. They gave each other a deep look that showed how much they respected and understood each other. There was no doubt that they had beaten a tough opponent and emerged successful.

However, just as they were beginning to relax and take a deep breath, a loud voice broke the silence.

"Freeze! Gradually bring your hands up to your head and face me."

When Minwoo and Ryu looked over, Detective Jiyeon was standing in the doorway with her gun pointed right at them. She had a determined look in her eyes. As they cautiously raised their hands, they knew that their victory did not mean the end of their problems.

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