Chapter 27: Whispers of Fate

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In the middle of the night, when it was dark, Jiyeon was lost in a storm of thoughts. The air was tense and heavy. Her thoughts kept going back to Aya's words, which painted a clear picture of the hidden dangers and the deep meaning of the Fox Bead. Even though it was cozy, Jiyeon couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She was just about to fall into an uneasy sleep when she heard a sudden sound that woke her up. A soft thud could be heard coming from an unknown part of the room. With her heart beating faster, Jiyeon sat up in bed and looked around the softly lit room.

"Who's there?" She yelled, and her voice was shaking with emotion.

There was no answer; there was only an eerie silence that never ended. Jiyeon's hand naturally went to the gun that was hidden under her pillow. She was alert and ready for any possible threat. As she slowly got out of bed, she looked around the room for any sign of movement.

As she got closer to the closet, she quickly focused on a moving object in the corner of her eye. She quickly and automatically raised the gun to her shoulder, ready to defend herself. That being said, what she saw shocked her so much that she stood still.

A strange figure walked into the poorly lit room. The moonlight coming in through the window gave the figure a soft glow. When he looked at her, he had a mysterious look on his face and a fierce gaze in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Jiyeon's voice betrayed a mix of unease and perplexion as she made her demand.

The gap between them was closed by Minwoo, who kept his eyes on his target and didn't flinch. "I couldn't sleep," he told her, his voice soft and soft with love. "Only once I am certain of your ease in this place."

Even though some of what Minwoo said was true, they covered up his real reason: he was deeply afraid that Hye-sun would eat him. He gets what his friend is going through and is sure that Jiyeon will get into something if he isn't watching.

Jiyeon's heart was beating quickly, and she could hear a wild sound in her chest. "I'm fine here. It's weird, but this room is surprisingly cozy compared to the one I had in my apartment," she said in a low voice.

Minwoo nodded, and his eyes were fixed on hers. "That's fine then."

After that, they didn't say anything to each other for a while. Before Jiyeon could say anything else, Minwoo quickly turned away, getting ready to leave.

"I can't sleep either," Jiyeon said. Minewoo stopped at the opening and looked at her. "It's so big in this room that it's almost as big as my apartment. How about we have a chat? We haven't had any real interaction in what seems like an eternity. I still have a lot of questions for you."

"So, what's on your mind?" Minwoo asked, keeping his eyes on Jiyeon the whole time. He saw Jiyeon quickly turn her face away.

"You're the Fox in the Suit." Jiyeon started. "I just want to know why you're doing this?"

And as he stood his ground near the door, Minwoo couldn't help but smile. He put his arms across his chest. "Are you still not clear about the Fox Bead?"

"I know what it is. I'm interested in where that thing came from. Our paths could have crossed at the museum, where I could have picked up your fox bead by chance. It's very strange how you can come out of nowhere and say, "I have something inside me that belongs to you." Following his speech, Jiyeon let out a moan. Her words kept coming out, leaving her gasping for air.

As Minwoo thought about what Jiyeon said, his face changed from a grin to a serious look. The moonlight softly lit up his face as he moved closer with his arms open.

"Detective, the Fox Bead has a lot of power," Minwoo began, the tone of his voice secretive and honest. "It could make a strong bond with a person, keeping them safe, teaching them things, and giving them power that humans can't understand. It can, however, also bring danger, especially from people who want to use its power for their own gain."

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