Chapter 16: Confrontation with the Oni

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"Freeze! Slowly raise your hands to your head and face me."

Detective Jiyeon walked in through the doorway with her gun pointed right at Minwoo and Ryu as they looked over. They looked at the others with a determined look, and as they raised their hands, they admitted that their victory hadn't solved all of their problems.

"Oh, it's you," Jiyeon said, looking at Minwoo with a twinkle of recognition in her eye. "What's with you always being there when something strange happens, Mr.?"

Detective Oh, with Jiyeon, suddenly pointed his gun at them. Both Ryu and Minwoo took a quick look at each other and looked at the situation in silence.

"Are you Detective Jiyeon Kang?" Ryu suddenly spoke up, breaking the heavy silence.

Jiyeon put a frown on her face. "That's me."

Ryu gazed at Minwoo again. "No wonder you're confused about the kiss," Ryu said with a sly grin on his face. "This human is quite beautiful."

Minwoo gave an awkward smirk. "My, you're quite the oddball. Are you seriously cracking jokes in this situation? Keep your distance from Hye-sun; she already has a hold on you."

And instead of answering, Ryu just laughed out loud.

"Hey, you two. Why are you whispering over there?" Detective Oh spoke up, and his voice was stern.

Ryu and Minwoo turned their attention back to the police officers. Minwoo carefully looked at Detective Oh as he remembered the interruption that had ruined his earlier plans.

"Detectives, I promise you that I am not a bad person. I'm just being naughty; I don't mean any harm," Ryu said, trying to ease the stress. "Perhaps I could put my hand down. It's already numb," he said with a sly grin. "While he's with me, he can keep his hand up for a whole week."

Minwoo raised an eyebrow, skeptical. His voice was full of doubt as he asked, "Hey dragon, what's all this talk about?"

Ryu chuckled. He teased Minwoo, "Is that your rival?" and ignored the detective's question.

"That one is just a lowly human. How could you possibly say something like that to me?" Minwoo yelled back because Ryu's behavior was making her mad.

While Ryu and Minwoo were chatting around, Han-neul asked Jiyeon a question to get more information.

"Detective, do you know who they are?" When Han-neul asked, he looked confused.

Jiyeon just nodded. "Do you remember the young woman I helped? That young woman who came out of the bar? That guy on the right is the girl's big brother."

Detective Oh felt a little less suspicious after putting his gun down. Jiyeon did the same thing, but she was still careful.

"Why are you here?" Han-neul interrogated Ryu and Minwoo, his voice filled with curiosity.

The two men turned their attention to Han-neul since he caught their eye. "We are not involved in any way. The Oni were..."

"Oni?" Han-neul and Jiyeon looked at each other with dumbfounded looks in their eyes.

"Mister Kim is one of my customers at the bookstore," Minwoo said to make things clear.

'This man with a huge ego works at the bookstore?' Jiyeon thought for a moment and raised an eyebrow at Minwoo's statement.

To avoid getting angry, Minwoo ignored Jiyeon's unspoken criticism.

"I'm here to give him exactly what he wants," Minwoo said in a direct tone.

"At this hour?" she said with a mix of astonishment and shock in her voice. Jiyeon asked, slightly unsure of her tone.

A loud noise interrupted Minwoo's reply, grabbing everyone's attention. In the distance, a mysterious figure appeared and caught their full attention.

An intimidating yokai appeared, making the two detectives scared when they saw it. When Minwoo and Ryu got ready for a fight, they tensed up and prepared to fight.

After seeing the strange thing creeping closer, Han-neul's face turned red with worry. A mysterious being with two magnificent horns.

"What the heck is that?" Han-neul asked, his voice full of shock.

Ryu and Minwoo looked at each other with gravity on their faces.

"It's an Oni," Minwoo said, feeling serious in his voice.

With a nod, Ryu agreed. "And it looks crazy angry."

As the Oni moved toward them, its horns shone in the dim light, and it let out a low, dangerous growl.

"Give me back the Enigma," the Oni ordered, and its voice had an air of power and authority that could not be denied.

Ryu and Minwoo looked at each other deeply, and their unshakable determination was clear. They were determined to keep the Oni from getting the thing it wanted, especially since they had already put in so much work to get it back.

Minwoo moved forward, giving off an air of confidence and determination. "We don't have the Enigma," he said with firm confidence, looking straight into the intimidating Oni's eyes.

The Oni's eyes got narrow, and you could feel its anger. "Lies!" it yelled, and its voice echoed through the atmosphere.

In response to Oni's scary charge, Minwoo and Ryu acted quickly. As Minwoo hit with strikes over and over, his nine tails danced behind him, moving with deadly accuracy. With great energy, Ryu let out a fiery inferno from deep inside him that consumed the Oni in a blazing blaze.

As the Oni furiously flailed around to try to put out the never-ending fire, it let out a roar that could be heard miles away. It was filled with pain and rage. Minwoo and Ryu pushed forward with unshakable resolve, and everything they did was perfectly timed. They were well aware of how important it was to defeat the Oni right away to stop any more damage.

There was a loud explosion in the fight between Minwoo, Ryu, and the powerful Oni that shook the whole room. As the two opponents stepped into the ring, everyone was excited for what would be the most intense fight either of them had ever been in.

With his nine tails flowing elegantly behind him, Minwoo moved with a fluid grace that hid the huge power behind each strike. With a determined look in his eyes, he kept his attention on the Oni and looked around for a chance.

Ryu was hunched over on the ground in his dragon form. The light from the flames made his scales sparkle. He took off into the sky with a powerful beat of his wings, and his fiery breath burned the Oni to death.

A scary animal called the Oni charged forward with its horns and razor-sharp claws flapping. It let out a huge roar. The huge hands were hurtling toward Minwoo at a scary speed, ready to crush him to the ground.

Minwoo dodged and moved quickly, his tails moving at amazing speeds as he successfully blocked every attack. The attack from the Oni was so strong that it shook the room and made the walls and floor shake.

Ryu's claws ripped open Oni's back as they swiftly fell through the air and caused a lot of damage. As it faced the dragon, the creature let out a sharp cry of pain, and its eyes were red with rage.

Oni's powerful claws hard-thrown Ryu to the ground. With a painful grunt, the dragon hit the ground. He quickly got back on his feet and barely avoided another fatal blow from Oni's hands.

At the same time, Minwoo kept dancing beautifully around the Oni, attacking from all sides with his tails moving quickly. He did each move with such ease and accuracy that it was like having a master. He always hit the thing where it was weakest.

The Oni let out a fierce roar that shook the whole room. It was clear that it was hurt and angry. The creature charged forward with renewed fury, its razor-sharp claws cutting through the air with the intent to kill.

With a strong sense of danger, Minwoo quickly jumped backward and did a beautiful spin to avoid Oni's dangerous claws. He slid down with grace, keeping his eyes on the being as it turned around to face him again.

"Is that everything you have?" Minwoo yelled, and his voice was full of unshakable confidence.

The Oni snapped back with a mean snarl, its eyes burning with anger. The thing charged forward again, its huge hands raised in the air, ready to deliver a crushing blow.

Minwoo was ready, though. He showed off all nine of his tails with a skillful flourish, landing a crushing blow that knocked the Oni to the ground. Because the impact was so strong, it broke up the ground below them and sent pieces flying everywhere.

When the Oni stumbled, Minwoo took the chance to make things worse for them. He hit the target with several lightning-fast blows that were all perfectly accurate and packed a lot of power. The creature let out a sharp, painful cry, and its badly hurt body showed signs of a brutal beating.

At the first sign of trouble, Ryu jumped back into the middle of the fight. With a powerful beat of his wings, he flew through the sky with ease, his claws ready to attack Oni's weak throat.

When the creature tried desperately to get away from the impending danger, it failed miserably and then realized it was too late. Ryu's strike was so precise that it was impossible to deny. His claws tore through the Oni's skin with ease, and the sound of the contact echoed through the air. The animal let out one last, deep roar before ultimately giving up and falling to the ground.

It got quiet in the room, and only Minwoo and Ryu's heavy panting broke the silence as they caught their breath. When Jiyeon and Han-neul saw the amazing display of strength and skill, they were mesmerized, and their eyes were filled with surprise.

He whispered, "Wow," and his voice was almost audible.

Jiyeon didn't know what to say because she was so amazed. The tension of the fight made her mind race as she gave a quiet nod.

When Minwoo and Ryu looked at them, their faces showed a mix of gravity and happiness.

"You should get some rest, detectives," Minwoo remarked calmly but firmly.

There was a frown on Jiyeon's face. "What?"

Ryu carried Han-neul in his arms, while Minwoo gently lifted Jiyeon's unconscious form. With a shared glance, they tapped into their mystical powers, lulling the detectives into a deep sleep.

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