Chapter 28: Curiosity and Consequences

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There was an obvious tension between them, ready to burst when Minwoo left Jiyeon's room. Sitting on her bed, Jiyeon had a lot of questions and concerns. Uncertainty had surged when she realized the Fox Bead was inside of her. Her life seems to have gone off course and in an unexpected way.

Deeply inhaling, Jiyeon decided to accept the painful reality that lay ahead of her. This was no time to be idle, especially now that she knew how important the Fox Bead was.

She reached for and took up her water glass, but her face became sour when she saw it was empty. With an exhalation, Jiyeon turned to face the door. Though Aya's previous comments were still resonating in her head, Jiyeon realized she needed to refill her water tumbler.

"Yeah, but it's not something we do very often. Let's just say it's only when it's necessary. But my teacher, the woman who was with us, generally ate humans, especially when she was mad." Aya mentioned earlier.

Though nervous, Jiyeon overcame her feelings. She must stay near for her health. Breathing out, she started walking in the direction of the door.

Jiyeon saw a faint glow emanating from a door further down as soon as she entered the corridor. Drawn in, she followed the soft warmth, curiosity driving her on. She stopped for a moment when she got to the door and then gently pushed it open.

Jiyeon entered the room and found it to be cozy and welcoming, with soft lighting and a nice sandalwood smell. The space was made calm and comfy by the lovely tapestries and warm sofas. A collection of ancient scrolls and dancing candles surrounded Hye-sun in the center of the space.

Eyes full of wonder and amazement, Hye-sun looked up as Jiyeon entered. "Detective," she said, her voice sweet and silky.

Uncertain of how to put it, Jiyeon thought for a moment before replying. "I had problems sleeping," she said, her voice trembling. "I shouldn't have come."

Jiyeon turned around fast and rushed for the doorknob, but she was startled to see long fingers and claws in her way. It startled Jiyeon, who warily turned to face the person who had touched her and realized that it was Hye-sun.

"Why are you leaving after entering without permission?" Hye-sun posed the question seriously.

Jiyeon let up on the doorknob. "I would want to leave this room, please."

Cheeky smile from Hye-sun. "Humans, that is." Hye-sun took her hand off the door leaf and gave Jiyeon a consoling stroke on the back. "Know the saying, "Curiosity kills the cat"?

"You can't hurt me. Oh!" Jiyeon exclaimed. Hye-sun pulled at Jiyeon's hair, making her look up.

"Are you trying to push me? Did you know that I could instantly end your life?" Hye-sun asked.

"You know you can't do that. You know that Gumiho would support me," Jiyeon said.

"Gumiho?" Curious eyebrows lifted, Hye-sun questioned. "You're not even sure who your savior is!"

With a start, Jiyeon had a flashback. She had no idea the Gumiho girl in front of her had a name.

"You're hurting me; let go of me." Shocked, Jiyeon said

"I haven't begun anything yet," Hye-sun said, then smiled.

After feeling weightlessness for a moment, Jiyeon's foot hit a solid wooden cabinet.

"Ugh!" Then Jiyeon fell to the ground.

"A vulnerable being," said Hye-sun.

Before Jiyeon could get up, Hye-sun rushed up to her. She grabbed Jiyeon's jaw with a tight grip, her nails perilously near to her face.

"I won't offer you the same level of protection as others, so be cautious, human," warned Hye-sun.

Jiyeon was at that point confused about her feelings. Being well aware of the seriousness of the situation, she experienced intense terror.

Minwoo is at the Moonlight shop in the meantime. He holds the Enigma Puzzle, along with the last piece that he bought from the seasoned collector. He got there early even though the morning was about to break. No creature could enter the house without his permission, therefore he was sure Jiyeon was safe.

A fascinating design, the Enigma Puzzle was adorned with mysterious symbols that seemed to swing in the gentle glow of the Moonlight Shop. The thing had a fascinating sheen on its surface as if it held deep secrets.

With its many interlocking parts that combined to form a complex pattern, the puzzle itself was quite amazing. Solving the problem was made much more difficult by the unique shapes of each component.

Minwoo sat down to put the puzzle together, holding the last piece with such care. Unmatched intelligence, the power to change the world, and entrance into hidden worlds will be his if he can put the jigsaw together. Still, he wants to get back with Haejin Park, his former lover. He wanted to get closer to them before he became a god.

The exhilaration was growing in Minwoo as he painstakingly put the pieces together. Though he knew that solving the Enigma Puzzle would give him unmatched strength and knowledge, something more personal was taking up his thoughts.

Minwoo's mind strayed to Haejin Park, his former lover, whom he wanted to see again. Though Minwoo had great ambitions and wanted to be the strongest Gumiho alive, he missed Haejin's consoling touch, her happy laughter, and her companionship.

Minwoo's will grew as he got closer to the end of the puzzle. He knew that if the puzzle was worked out, he would be able to change reality, go into hidden worlds, and change life itself. Most of all, however, was a longing for the chance to be back with Haejin, to get closure.

When the last piece of the Enigma Puzzle was in place, the chamber erupted in electricity and the air shook. The Moonlight shop walls were covered in elaborate designs as the inscriptions etched into the puzzle's surface began to shine brilliantly and unearthly. Slightly floating in midair, the puzzle hung in the middle of the space, as if it defied gravity. Its surrounding brightness intensified, covering the whole region in an enthralling show of vivid colors that swirled and changed into enthralling forms. An exhilaration surged through Minwoo as he gazed in wonder. He could sense the extraordinary power coming from the Enigma Puzzle, a power over which he was now entirely in charge. Having this treasure in his hands, he was sure he could solve all the mysteries of the universe.

Minwoo was overcome with excitement as the Enigma Puzzle floated before him, glowing enthrallingly. Though he knew he could now go into other worlds and solve the secrets of life, his thoughts were glued on finding Haejin Park, his sweetheart who had been gone from him for so long.

Minwoo closed his eyes and focused all of his thoughts on Haejin, trying to make contact with any traces of their former connection. Bright images swung through his head, memories of their common experiences, happy and funny times as well as sad and painful times.

Suddenly Minwoo was transported to an enthralling vision in his head: an endless emptiness lit by numerous stars. One person in particular caught my attention among them; a lone figure bathed in a lovely, peaceful glow.

A little above a whisper, Minwoo said, "Haejin," reaching out a hand to the ghostly form in front of him.

The person, however, seemed to disappear as he got closer, eluding him like smoke. Minwoo struggled to hang onto the fading vision, feeling desperate as he saw it go entirely.

Feeling the weight of his situation fall over him, Minwoo grudgingly opened his eyes. He could not find Haejin even with his increased abilities. Though it had given him great knowledge and remarkable skills, the Enigma Puzzle was still unable to satisfy his greatest desire—to be with the one he loved again.

Minwoo was frustrated when he realized that not even the Enigma Puzzle could provide any clues about where Haejin was. His frustration and despair were swept away by the realization. Anger and despair driving him, he threw the Enigma Puzzle carelessly, breaking it into pieces.

But as soon as he heard Jiyeon begging for help, his emotions changed. It cut over the jumble in his mind, a beacon of light that brought him back on track right away. Minwoo hastily left the bookshop and headed straight for his vehicle, hurrying back to the mansion.

At the same time, an odd phenomenon developed as the broken Enigma Puzzle lay in pieces. Its broken shape began to rise a puff of white smoke, creating the spectral figure of Haejin. A melancholic whisper of his voice beckoned to Minwoo.

Then, in an amazing show, the white smoke changed into brilliant white fireflies, their brilliant brilliance engulfing everyone in wonder. A compelling combination of mystery and resolve hung in the air as the broken pieces of the Enigma Puzzle blew away.

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