Chapter 19: Unsettling Revelations

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Minwoo could already feel Ryu changing; his dragon friend looked very hungry, and his two guests would be in great danger of becoming food if he didn't step in.

"What? Are you just going to sit there, Minwoo? I'm hungry," Ryu muttered, getting angrier by the second. It sounds like Ryu's voice is coming from a deep cave when it gets very deep.

Minwoo left with a sigh. He quickly grabbed almost all of the fresh meat in the fridge. He also put some fresh veggies in.

Minwoo whispered, "I guess I should charge this dragon. He devours an entire week's worth of my food."

Minwoo frowned and closed the fridge, clutching fresh meat. He walked into the room quickly.

Sitting on the sofa, Han-neul wondered where his friend was. He held his head. "Now, where am I?" Han-neul thought.

As a guy exited a room and opened the fridge, he twirled. The guy carefully unpacked his fresh meat in huge plastic bags. Since blood was still on the plastic, Han-neul concluded that the meat was uncooked. Next, Han-neul gently placed the veggies on top. After closing the fridge door, the man quickly went back to the room, and there was a frown on Han-neul's face.

Han-neul recognized Kim Ji Sung as he remembered the home incidents. Han-neul looked about the home curiously before standing up and following the stranger. He hesitated before the door, captivated by the vague noises within. Han-neul heard two boys, one of whom had a younger tone. An unexpected voice stopped him from reaching for the doorknob.

"Detective Oh..."

Han-neul looked at Jiyeon next to a room's doorway.

"Detective Jiyeon." Quickly, Han-neul turned his attention to Jiyeon and left through the front door.

Meanwhile, Minwoo was determined to kill the investigator when he entered the room. However, he left unexpectedly.

"I told you..." Ryu spoke while eating. "I'll eat that human."

"There's no need to devour him," Minwoo said before reverting to human. "You should wait here, and I'll go outside first."

"What else would you like to do there? You can watch them here." Ryu said

As Minwoo looked in the mirror, he saw Han-neul and Jiyeon talking. They were sitting on the couch next to each other.

"So you also can't remember anything?" Han-neul asked.

Instead of telling Han-neul about some memories of what had happened, Jiyeon shook her head.

"Then why are we still here? Let's go!" Han-neul yelled, jumping up quickly. Jiyeon, on the other hand, grabbed his hand deeply.

"We can't go yet," Jiyeon said. A frown appeared on Han-neul's face. "Do you not find it strange? We can't remember what happened. Only they have the answers we're looking for. Are we going to leave now? Aren't you curious?"

Han-neul sat on the couch again, scanning the room. "Those two guys are making me nervous for some reason." Jiyeon furrowed her brow. "The old man brought raw, fresh beef from the freezer to the room just now."

Jiyeon took a quick look at the room where Han-neul had been standing a while ago. "What do you mean?" Jiyeon looked over her shoulder at Han-neul.

"Detective, what do you think he'll do with all that raw meat he carried into the room?" Han-neul asked

"You're overthinking, Detective Oh," Jiyeon replied.

"Are you having trouble sleeping, too?"

Both detectives looked at Minwoo. His apron and hand were bloody. Han-neul frowned as Jiyeon stared at him.

"Mister Lee, what are you wearing?" Jiyeon asked

"Don't worry, detective," Minwoo said with a smile. "Join us for dinner; we're eating." Minwoo glanced at Han-neul. "You eat meat, right?"

Minwoo and Han-neul locked eyes, and the detective was the first to concede.

"Come with me," Minwoo said.

Minwoo quickly turned and entered the room. Han-neul and Jiyeon were behind.

Tension permeated the room upon entry. Minwoo had prepared a beautiful meal, but an unsaid tension permeated the air. The youngster was with Minwoo, who was eating. His face was covered with sauce, indicating enjoyment of the meal.

Han-neul glanced at Jiyeon, who seemed wary yet intrigued. Minwoo signaled for them to sit carefully.

"Let's grab a bite," Minwoo said cheerfully, attempting to uplift the atmosphere.

Only the sound of cutlery clinking on plates indicated the arrival of the food. Jiyeon and Han-neul both felt uncomfortable.

After an awkward moment, Minwoo quietly cleared his throat, easing the tension. "This is your chance to ask me something."

Jiyeon and Han-neul glanced, unsure how much to say. Jiyeon bravely led.

"We are wondering as to why we fainted and lost any memory of the occurrence," gingerly stated Jiyeon, eyeing Ryu and Minwoo. "Why is it only an effect on us? What happened between you?"

Though emotionless, Minwoo's eyes flashed with a mystery. "We have no idea either," Minwoo said, his voice steady even though he was feeling uneasy. "You pointed your gun at us and asked us why we were at Mr. Kim's house."

Jiyeon hesitated to say more. "And did we also pass out? Did we both pass out at the same time?" There was shock in Jiyeon's words, and her eyes grew wide with surprise. "That's absurd. I don't see any reason for us to lose consciousness in this way, and..."

Her voice dropped as she struggled with the dilemma. Han-neul's thick brows showed his confusion.

Minwoo looked at Jiyeon and nodded firmly. "That's right. We all passed out at the same time for no reason."

Han-neul frowned with anxiety. "We? Do you mean you both fainted?"

Minwoo nodded earnestly, locking his gaze with Han-neul and showing worry. "Yes," he said for sure. "All of us passed out at the same time."

Jiyeon's pulse raced as she pondered several things. "Then why? How could we have all passed out?"

Minwoo looked worried and uneasy. "I'm not sure," he whispered. "It must have something to do with Mr. Kim's death, though."

Jiyeon felt a knot in her throat, knowing the seriousness of the situation. "I don't understand."

Jiyeon felt an unexpected chest feeling as Minwoo stared at her. She knew for sure it wasn't fear.

Jiyeon's gaze focused on Minwoo, and Han-neul saw her blushing. "Are you okay, Detective?" he asked with real worry in his voice.

"What?" Jiyeon looked at Han-neul, her cheeks becoming slightly red.

"You're blushing," Han-neul said.

Jiyeon tenderly rubbed her hot cheeks and felt the warmth. "I... I am?" She mumbled, surprised by her answer.

Minwoo laughed and shook his head as Ryu said, "Minwoo, stop staring at her."

Minwoo spoke calmly to Jiyeon. "Detective, we were at Mister Kim's house for no other reason," he continued.

"Even if we say that Oni has..." Ryu started, but his words ended in a teasing way.

As they stared at Ryu, Han-neul and Jiyeon seemed perplexed at his strange reply. "What do you mean?" Han-neul asked.

"Maybe that's why we slept—I remember a peculiar fragrance. Why don't you check out Mr. Kim's house?" Ryu gave an idea.

"We will do an investigation there, but we saw you," Han-neul said, looking back and forth between Minwoo and Ryu.

"Mr. Kim is a collector, and someone with his riches and status will have enemies. Would you start with them instead of my friend and me?" Minwoo reasoned. "We have proof of innocence."

Jiyeon breathed deeply, feeling guilty. "That's right. I'm sorry. Stay away from the yellow ribbon next time. Since it's under investigation, you may end up in trouble."

"We need to go home. We've been a real bother," Jiyeon said, getting up and quickly looking at Han-neul. "Detective Oh, let's go."

Han-neul grabbed the meat they brought and followed Jiyeon out of the room, leaving Minwoo and Ryu behind.

"Minwoo, your future bride is quite the conversationalist," Ryu added, smiling mischievously.

"Ryu..." Minwoo started, worried.

"Hmm?" It made Ryu's eyebrows rise in interest.

Minwoo frowned. "I don't think my magic worked on that girl."

Ryu frowned deeply as he realized the meaning. "Are you kidding?"

"The fox bead is on her." Minwoo said, "That could be why my power won't reach her."

What will you do with the girl if your suspicions prove correct?" Ryu inquired, worried.

"I'll get to the bottom of this," Minwoo said, standing up and quickly following Han-neul and Jiyeon.

As Minwoo's footsteps echoed down the hall, the room became silent and unsure.

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