Ch. 2: Understanding Yourself

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Uzi had been sitting down for a good few hours... mostly because she wasn't used to not having feet... not sure who came up with that idea... but also because she was struggling to understand this. She's a Murder Drone, how would she explain this to her dad, how would she be able to live in the Colony if she has to kill and drink oil from all the people that... The more she thought about it the more she liked the idea of killing a few people, but that's beside the point.

'H-How the fuck am I supposed to-to-' Uzi couldn't even think properly as she gazed at her NEW hands.

So foreign yet they felt so familiar, and that's what scared her.

"Uzi?" N asked, coming back to check in Uzi for the 10th time in a row. "You... uh... are you okay?"

"Oh, great, can't even walk and my life as I know it is basically over!" Uzi said, sarcastic.

"Over? But you-"

"I don't mean dying like that! I mean I can't show my face back in my home anymore! Look at me, I'm a murder drone!" Uzi shouted, gesturing to herself.

Her hands turned into sharp claws and her visor became an X. Wings came from her back and her tail was whipping back and forth.

"I'm the very thing we hid from!" Uzi said, gesturing to her "murder mode." "I'll be outcast if I try and go back!"

"That's not exactly a bad thing. You look badass now, U." V said, sitting in a chair with her legs crossed.

Uzi's tail stabbed towards her, making V move her head to dodge.

"Not bad but you shouldn't stab the person that saved your life." V comments.

Uzi growled as she turned back to "normal" and pulled her tail back, that's when N helped her stand up. Uzi felt her new legs wobble under her.

"Here, I'll help you get used to this." N said, making sure not to let go of her.

"How the fuck do walk with these numbs for feet?!" Uzi shouted, gazing at Vee.

"Balance." V said, grinning.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Uzi asked.

"So very much... I can't kill a fellow Disassembly drone, so seeing you struggle to adjust is filling that urge." V said.

"Bite me!" Uzi said.

"Hey, don't threaten me with a good time." V said.

Uzi growled at her as N guided her outside of the pod, slowly to make sure Uzi was getting a feel for her new legs and feet.

'Damnit, I feel like a baby bot again!' Uzi thought, her screen blushing.

"That's it, one step at a time." N said.

Uzi was holding onto N as much as possible as they made it outside of the nest.

"I can barely walk, I'm never going to figure out how the wings work." Uzi said.

"We'll help with that as well." N said, "Besides, it's not that bad."

"N, I am dead in the eyes of everyone back home, they watched me blow up, die in your arms, and then get taken by V." Uzi said, glaring at the ground. "I'm so... FUCKED!"

N let out a gasp. He didn't like profanity. So much so that he had to scold Uzi for her horrible potty mouth.

"No! None of that!" N said before making a blaster and pointing it at Uzi. "Bad girl!"

Uzi shut her eyes in instinct before getting spritzed in her face? Confused, Uzi opened her eyes to see water being spritzed in her face like a spray bottle!

"Bad bad girl!" N scolded.

Uzi gave him a blank expression as glanced at the "blaster" and N.

"Seriously, I don't get it, what else is inside your arm?" Uzi asked, pushing the "blaster" out of her face. "I'm pretty sure I saw V have a bubble wand a few hours ago."

"Oh, well it's simple. We Murder Drones were designed with various tools to adapt to any situation. Even tools for recreational time." N said, putting his "spritz cannon" away.

"Seriously?" Uzi asked, putting her arms up and looking at them.

"Very. Give it a try, though I don't know if it has changed since you are no longer J." N said, looking at Uzi's arms.

"Well...okay. " Uzi said before she focused, switching her right hand for a sharp sword blade. "Look like I've got normal hands, claws, and swords."

"Okay, that's normal. Anything else? J had guns and missiles, and-"

"An emp blaster, I remember it." Uzi said, cutting him off as her hand turned back to normal. "But those must've been destroyed in that last ditch to kill me."

"Only one way to find out." N said, "Just focus on that specific weapon, think about it, and it should come out."

To help, N created a sub machine gun from his left hand and shot some rounds into the air.

'I want to do that.' Uzi thought, loving the idea of making her own gun.

She focused on making a machine gun, closing her eyes and hoping it would work. She felt her hand change and she opened her eyes. She saw a gun where her hand was and she smiled as she opened fire into the sky.

"Hehehehehehehe fuck yeah!" Uzi screamed as she continued firing into the air.


Until the "clip" was empty and her gun was left smoking.

"Aw, what? We run out of ammo?" Uzi asked.

"Don't worry, it regenerates fast." N said.

"I guess that-" Uzi stumbled a bit as she held her stomach, groaning as she felt a hunger roaring inside of her. "W-What is that?!"

"Oh, you need oil." N said, "It's how we prevent overheating, remember?"

"B-But I can't!" Uzi said, now holding her chest as she felt herald becoming "hot."

In the bad way as Uzi fell to her knees. If Uzi drank oil, it would mean she was fully abandoning her old self to become what she hated the most. Well, not the most anymore after becoming "friends" with N but still!

"MMM?!" Uzi was pulled from her thought as N stuck a random severed arm into her mouth.

"Sorry, Uzi, but you don't have a choice. Now drink up." N said, kneeling next to her.

Uzi was about to yell, when... she started to taste it. It was delicious. Uzi should've felt disgusted but... she couldn't. After a few minutes, she spit it out.

"You good?" N asked.

Uzi nodded, glancing at the severed arm.

"It still felt wrong. I don't care if it saves me, it doesn't feel right." Uzi said, looking away.

N looked a bit sad at how hard this was on Uzi.

"Hey, I know what might cheer you up." N said, standing up. "Why don't we work on your flying?"

"Flying? Like with these blade wings?" Uzi asked, popping out her wings unknowingly.

"Yep!" N said, "It's easy, don't worry!"

Before Uzi knew it, she was being pulled along to get her first flying lesson.

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