Ch. 3: Flying High, Feeling Low

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Standing on top of an abandoned building, N and Uzi looked down to the ground. About 30 floors straight DOWN.

"Uh... are you sure this is safe?" Uzi asked.

"Of course it is." N said, "And scoop!"

He picked her up like a princess, holding her over the edge.

"Just let your new programming take control." N said.

"If she dies, I call dibs on her corpse." V said.

Both of them turned around to see V standing behind them, waving her fingers teasingly.

"Why are you here?!" Uzi shouted.

"Because I want to watch. It's a free planet after all." V said, her hands on her hips.

Uzi pointed her gun at V and tried to fire..., forgetting she was still out of ammo.

"Motherfucker." Uzi muttered.

"No!" N shouted before spritzing Uzi again with water. "No potty mouth!"

"Aaaah! Stop that!" Uzi shouted, covering her face.

V laughed.

"This is gold!" She said.

"Do you do this to everyone you know?!" Uzi shouted.

"Not J since she was my commanding officer. And not V because.....well you know." N said before changing his hand back to normal. "Now, here we go!"

"N, wait-AHHHH!" Uzi screamed as N tossed her off the building.

"...PFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHA!" V blurted out, laughing longer and louder than ever before. "This is the best day of my life."

"Laugh all you want V but Uzi is gonna fly. I believe in her." N said, crossing his arms.

"Surrrrrrrrrre." V said sarcastically.

After a couple seconds.

"I'm still falling!" Uzi yelled.

"Uh, that's not good." N said, jumping after her.

"Hahahahahaha, I have to see this!" V said before jumping off after N.

Uzi watched the ground get closer and closer, flapping her wings in hope that will do something... that's when N caught her.

"Uh... whoops, guess we should've started with a smaller building." N said.

"Or, I don't know, you teach me IN A SAFER WAY!?"" Uzi screamed at N, making him flinch.

"Damn, you just love using that shrill voice of yours." V said, flapping next to N.

Uzi's arm changed to a missile launcher and pointed it at V!

"I will ram a missile up your ass!" Uzi shouted.

"Again, KINKY! Are you into ladybots?" V asked, curious and teasing.

Uzi blushed at that.

"Ooo, I think so!" V said, "Haha!"

"Humans called it bisexual." Uzi said, crossing her arms.

"So does this mean you like me?" V teased.

"I do not!" Uzi shouted.

"Okay, let's get back to teaching you how to fly." N said, mostly because he didn't want to get caught in the middle of this.

"Yeah, let's try flying from the GROUND this time." Uzi said to him.

"You sure you don't want to try it from the building again?" V asked.

Uzi glared at her, her missile launcher still ready despite possibly having no ammo.

'This is going to be harder than I thought.' N thought, glancing between Uzi and V.

He doesn't just mean flying, he means it was going to be even harder to adjust Uzi to this new life than he thought.

And it was only going to get harder from here.

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