Ch. 4: Colony Gloom

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Meanwhile back in the colony, things weren't exactly going easy for them either.

Especially the "hero" of the colony as Khan was practically shut in his home.

He ignored his friends, his co workers, and everyone else in the colony. Having seen his daughter destroyed and her corpse taken before his eyes, it broke him.

It was his job to protect the colony, including his daughter, but he couldn't do a damn thing!

What made it worse is that last time they spoke, he left her for dead.

He could see it all happening again, his daughter was pinned to the wall by a murder drone's wing and her tail gun weapon was at his feet.

'Dad, point and shoot! Trust me!' Uzi said in his memory, pinned against the wall by N's wing. 'Dad?'

'Why? Why didn't you do anything?!' Khan shouted to himself in the memory as he saw himself shaking in place! 'Save her! She's your daughter! You're supposed to protect her! Save her!'

But his past self remained shaking in fear as he slowly took a step back, shocking Uzi as she lost all hope.

'Dad?' Uzi said before the door shut, locking her out.

'NOOOOOOO!' Khan shouted as the memory ended and he woke up in his room.

A bottle of very old human alcohol was in his hand as he turned to it, seeing his reflection.

"...Why...Why didn't you do anything, you worthless piece of scrap?" Khan asked.

He turned over to his nightstand and opened the drawer, taking off his magnetic mustache and put on a five o'clock shadow instead.

"You don't deserve to have a great mustache." He said, throwing his mustache to the corner and drinking more ancient alcohol.

It's all anyone that's lost someone can do.

A knock on his door came, loud enough for Khan to both hear and ignore.

"Boss! Please open the door, we're worried about ya!" One of Khan's coworkers/friends said through the door.

He didn't bother responding, he just drank more and turned to his side as the knocks on his front door grew louder.

"BOSS! WE'RE COMING IN!" Another worker drone said.

They forced open the door and walked into the house unit, seeing Khan in his bed and drinking his sorrows away.

"Hey guys. Up for a drink?" Khan asked, gesturing to the empty bottle in his hand.

They didn't answer as one of them took the bottle away.

"Khan, we're worried for you." One of them said, Doug.

"Yeah well... someone has to at least." Khan said, "I'm sure not. I watched my daughter die, after I left her for dead... she died thinking I was a horrible parent."

"You're not a horrible parent boss. You did your best raising a kid on your own and making the doors." Another said, Mike, sitting on the bed and patting Khan's back.

"And look how it turned out." Khan said.

The group looked at each other before gazing at the corner of the room, seeing Uzi's railgun sitting against the wall.

How in the world it was even still together was a mystery to anyone but Uzi, but one thing was certain, she would still be here if it wasn't for that.

"Boss, we know you're in a funk, but the colony needs you. We gotta repair the main door and seal the ducts in the secondary tunnels." Another worker said.

"You guys know what you're doing without me." Khan said.

"We can't and won't do it without you, boss." Mike said, grabbing Khan and pulling him up. "Come on, you can't just stay here until you rust away."

"Watch me." Khan said as he went limp in his worker's arms, actually shutting down his motor functions in his limps.

"Damn it, boss!" Mike said, struggling to keep his grip.

"Just let me to rust and go back to work. That's an order." Kahn said to his friends/employees.

"No way, no how. That's final, boss. Everyone grab a limb, we're carrying him out." One of them said.

They did so, and it was about as hard as you'd expect. Khan was groaning all the while, whining like a newborn bot as he didn't want to go to work.

As they were bringing him away, Thad was watching from around the corner and was worried. He didn't know if Uzi was alive or not, and he was concerned for her.

She did basically save his life and thought she was a cool girl, not weird and crazy like everyone thought her to be. He had to do something to repay her kindness.

So when the Worker Defense Force was gone, Thad walked into Uzi's home unit and grabbed the rail gun. He was going to find her and he was going to save her, somehow.

'Hang on, Uzi. I'm on the way.' He thought, leaving the Doorman household.

He had a... rough idea which direction she was.

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