Breaking The Ice

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Tsukasa hated this. So much. He wanted to die. Really.

     "Oh, Rui, he's so cute!!" Rui's mother said, pinching Tsukasa's cheeks.

"Mom—" Rui attempted to get his mother's attention for what seemed like the millionth time.

"What a sweetheart!"


"Uh, Ms. Kamishiro—" Tsukasa said in a voice that was subdued and muffled by a pair of hands belonging to the mother of his friend.

"Yes, what is it, dear? Oohhh, what a darling you are!" Ms. Kamishiro continued to fawn over Tsukasa, ignoring the desperate cries of both boys. "When were you planning on telling me about your new friend?"

"Mom, you're overwhelming him—"


"Ms. Kamishiro, plea—"


"Oh! Sweetie, your friend's hair is so nice and pretty and fluffy-looking! Such vibrant colours!"

"Mom, stop that!"

    "Excuse me, lady? Would you please get your hands off my face?"

     ...Is what I would say if I weren't trying to be so polite!

My name is Tenma Tsukasa! Yes, Tenma Tsukasa! The future star!! *Wink*!!!

Though, this future star may not have a future if he dies from SUFFOCATION!!!

That's right, yours truly is being attacked! By my best friend's mother! Send help, PLEASE!

"His eyes are gorgeous! Rui, how have you not told me about this handsome young man?!?" The woman continued.

I swear I could die of embarrassment. Well, if Rui's mom doesn't kill me first... It would probably be by, like, cuddling me to death or something.

"Mom. I KNOW HE'S GOOD-LOOKING BUT—" Rui started, only to be interrupted by Tsukasa and his mother speaking in unison.

"Did you just call me good-looking?" Tsukasa deadpanned, his face heating up more than it already was.

"AAHH! ARE YOU RUI'S BOYFRIEND??" Rui's mother squealed at the same time.

"WHAT?!?!" Tsukasa shouted.

"MOM! WOULD YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!?" Rui groaned, shaking his mother's shoulders.

"Yes, what is it, sweetie?" Rui's mother said, finally letting go of Tsukasa's cheeks.


Tsukasa took in a big breath of air and began to knead his stinging yet numb cheeks sourly.

Rui let out an exasperated sigh. "You were smothering him!"

"Ohh, I'm sorry, sweetie!" Rui's mother frowned, turning back to Tsukasa. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

Argh, this lady's making it way too hard to stay mad at her...

"A little..." Tsukasa muttered.

"Ooh, I am so sorry!" She apologized again. "So much for making a good first impression, huh?"

"Yeah. Now, I kind of need to talk to Tsukasa-kun. You know, alone," Rui said to his mother.

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