It's Been Years Since I Last Saw You...

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Ever since their confession and the kiss that accompanied it, Rui and Tsukasa had been following Shosuke without saying anything to each other. They were both still sort of in shock from it, and they both had no idea how to approach the other, especially after their confessions.

"You boys are awfully quiet," Shosuke said finally.

"What did you expect?" Tsukasa muttered. "We confessed to each other and we kissed, I don't think either of us knows what to say."

Looks like you're having no trouble admitting it... Alright, then, I'll say something.

Rui thought for a few moments.

"I could invite you out," Rui suggested, his cheeks turning pink again. "On a date, I mean. Maybe in a few days. Would you like that, Tsukasa-kun...?"

Tsukasa's face flushed and he smiled at Rui. "Okay."

"Yay!" Emu cheered. "Your first date together!! So wonderhoy!"

"That's... Wonderful, for you two and all," Shosuke said. "But we're here."

It was a small, well-maintained park. The ground was covered in grass, save for the paths passing through the park. The place had many people in it, some relaxing on benches and some taking peaceful walks.

"We're performing in a park?" Emu said excitedly. "Ooh, yippee!"

Rui looked around and spotted a patch of cement. "Is that where we are to perform?"

Shosuke nodded. "Apparently, there is going to be a party here in this park, and our 'client' requested that we come perform for it." He explained. "I think it is for someone's birthday."

A birthday, huh?

"And this person requested us?" Rui asked.

"Yes," Shosuke said. "They seemed to be a fan."

"We have fans?!" Emu squealed, jumping up and down.

"Of course we have fans!" Tsukasa said proudly, striking his most star-like pose. "We are WXS!!"

Rui grinned at Tsukasa, his stomach twisting itself up.


"Yeah!" Emu shouted, holding out both of her arms for high-fives.

Rui and Tsukasa each clapped one of their hands against one of Emu's. Shosuke sighed.

"Alright, children," Shosuke said. "Now that we have seen the place, we should get back to the hotel. Kusanagi is waiting, and I think that you should all get some rest. Back in Japan, it would be nearly nighttime."

Oh, that's right! The time gap certainly is a big one...

Rui understood and nodded at Shosuke, retracting his arm.

Over the older male's shoulder, Rui caught a familiar shade of blonde hair amongst the many other shades.

Strange... I swear I recognize that colour specifically. Then again, there are many blonde people in the world.

Rui glanced at Tsukasa, who was still talking to Emu, then back at the person. Tsukasa's hair was oddly similar to theirs.

Rui moved a little to the side to get a better angle, but was the person moving further away? The people blocking his view didn't help, either.

Rui squinted at the blonde stranger, realization slamming into him like a bull charging at a red flag as their full body came into view.

It can't be! She looks exactly like Tsukasa-kun's sister except older!

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