In America!~

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Emu inhaled deeply to get a whiff of the (not-so-fresh) American air after she and the rest of Wonderlands x Showtime exited the airport. "Mmmm, I love the smell of—"

"—Pollution," Nene finished for her girlfriend. "Smog. Shit. Gas. Smoke. Drugs. Shit. Alcohol. Wet dogs. Trash. Compost. Shit. Homeless people. SHIT. Other stinky things. No offense to the homeless people, by the way. Mm, delightful."

Rui grinned, partially out of amusement and partially out of himself being glad that Nene was returning to normal, as she had been quite out of it ever since the flight to America.

Way to be optimistic, Nene...

Emu's older brother sighed exasperatedly, looking around at the people that had started to eye the group cautiously.

"Aaaand she's back, guys," Tsukasa said, using his arms as a frame around Nene. "Right on time to be the sarcastic and negative friend!"

"Nene-chaaan!" Emu stuck out her bottom lip and shook Nene's arm as she, Rui and Tsukasa held in their laughter. "Come on! Be happy we're in a new place!!"

"Emu-kun, forgive me for this, but Nene's right," Rui said. "It does smell pretty bad here. My guess is that it's because we're in a busy city and we just left the airport."

"Nooo! It's just because, uhh..." Emu glanced around then whipped her arm out, pointing at a dumpster. "It's just because we're right next to a dumpster!!!"

"That dumpster is farther away from us than the Wonder Stage is," Tsukasa said, crossing his arms. "Just admit it, Emu. America is a stanky ass country."

Rui and Nene burst out laughing. "That's a bit much, isn't it?" The former said.

"Tsukasa-kun!!!" Emu whined. "America is NOT stinky!"

"This smell is so not star-worthy." Tsukasa joked, provoking some more laughter from the green-haired girl and the alchemist.

"How about we stop insulting this BEAUTIFUL and NOT STINKY country??" Emu began to hop up and down in place impatiently with a large frown. "And I was going to say FREEDOM. Not smoke or drugs or homeless people!"

"Children, would you please behave?" Shosuke asked irritably. "You're drawing attention to yourselves, and, most importantly, to myself."

     "Yes, Sir!!" Tsukasa saluted with the cutest expression on his face, making Rui's chest tighten.

     The butterflies in his stomach began to stir again, having been woken up by Tsukasa's adorable actions.

"It's considered misbehaviour when you point out how stinky a place is?" Nene muttered with an eye roll, earning herself a glare from Shosuke.

     "Kusanagi..." Shosuke said in a menacing voice.

      "Fix that attitude, young lady," Tsukasa said, making his voice deeper as he pointed a scolding finger at Nene. "You really need to learn to respect your elders."

     Shosuke looked completely fed up with the children as Rui and Emu began to laugh again.

     "Okay, grandpa," Nene giggled.

     "Are you really starting with that 'grandpa' thing again?" Rui asked.

     "Tsukasa's acting like a grandfather," Nene shrugged. "And so should you, other grandfather."

"Nene..." Rui sighed.

"What? If one of you is going to act like an old person, then you should act like old people together like the old people couple you are."

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