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She didn't know where she was. She didn't know who he was. She didn't know what anything was anymore.

Everything was dark. The last thing she remembered was falling into the water, and what happened next was foggy.

She was so cold.

Was she dead? Was she dreaming...? Was it all just a very, very bad dream?

If it really was a bad dream, she wanted to wake up. She wanted to wake up to find the face of the person she loved the most, the face of her older brother.

But she didn't. Instead, she woke up to the face of two strangers. One man, one woman, both of them looking extremely concerned. Saki began to tremble when she realized she was in a place she didn't recognize.

The man spoke to the woman in a language that Saki didn't recognize before turning back to her.

"Hello, little girl," The woman said with a heavy accent. "Are you alright?"

     Saki couldn't speak. She was frozen.

     "Don't be scared," The man said, his accent even heavier than the woman's. "We found you in the water, nearly drowning."

     Saki remained silent, completely terrified. She began to cry.

The woman made a sympathetic noise and didn't say anything. She began to caress Saki's forearm with gentle, motherly hands.

And that's where it'd all started, when Saki began living with the couple. They were from America and had traveled to many places before finding Saki. Luckily for her, they'd been out exploring Japan and took her in.

The couple considered her family, and did many things for her. They got her a passport so that she could travel with them when they did.

     They hadn't adopted her, though, since Saki had refused. She wanted to return to Tsukasa. She wanted to see Ichika and Shiho and Honami again.

No matter how much she loved Sam and Mark, Saki knew that she'd always go back to Tsukasa. Her resolution, for the past years, has been to find him.

     That was why she called them by their first names. Saki felt like she would be betraying her mother if she were to start calling Sam "mom" or "mother".

     To Saki, it didn't matter whether her biological mother was looking for her or not, whether she wanted Saki back or not, whether she cared or not. She was going to return to her and Tsukasa.

     Saki kept up on her japanese with Duolingo—using either Sam's or Mark's phone, as she didn't have one—because she spoke English with Sam and Mark and went traveling with them instead of going to school.

Because of this, Saki knew countless facts about tons of countries and landmarks, like their history, their climates, their flora and fauna, et cetera. She learned several languages too, but didn't speak them very well as she only really cared to practice English and Japanese.

Years after they took Saki in, Sam and Mark decided—three days before Wonderlands x Showtime arrived in America—that they would take Saki to see the country they were from. They boarded the plane and flew away from Australia and closer to America.

Saki leaned her head against the window, staring out at the water dotted with small islands. Her thoughts drowned out the sound of Sam's and Mark's conversation happening right beside her.

     Tsukasa would be in high school now. I bet he has a girlfriend and tons of friends.

These thoughts didn't make Saki happy, even though she knew she should be. But how could she when she knew that Tsukasa was growing up and meeting new people without her? How could she when she knew that Tsukasa could be talking to her about all of his friends? How could she when she knew that, after all these years, Tsukasa had forgotten about her?

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