Are You Done Rotting Yet, Nene?

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Shosuke was walking the children back to the hotel room. All four of them.

Yes, four, because now, there was a second Tsukasa. Luckily for Shosuke, Sam and Lucas came along.

They were a group of seven now, and they were all going to the same place.

"You done rotting yet, Nene?" Rui joked, sitting down next to the green-haired girl.

Nene glared at Rui as he followed Shosuke and Emu into the room. Rui was followed by Tsukasa and... A clone? Nene blinked, thinking that the girl was a hallucination and would vanish if she tried hard enough. The girl didn't vanish, though.

"Nene-chan!" Emu jumped onto her girlfriend, passing out not long after doing so.

Nene wrapped her arms around Emu as she snored into her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes at Saki.

Who the hell is that?!

When Nene saw Saki's resemblance to Tsukasa, her face showed nothing but dread. "Why is there a female Tsukasa?"

Sam and Lucas walked in after Saki. Nene's jaw dropped.

Three whole strangers?!

"How many chapters did I miss?!" She said, bewildered.

"A lot," Rui said. "You're the one that insisted on rotting on your own like a depressed rabbit."

Nene scoffed and rolled her eyes at Rui. "That was probably not supposed to be a random comparison, but I don't care about biology."

"Of course you don't." Rui sighed.

Sam and Lucas started to speak to Shosuke. Seeing that they were all adults, Nene guessed they were talking about politics or taxes or some other useless adult shit.

"Nene!" Tsukasa said loudly. "This is my long-lost sister, Saki!" He posed dramatically in a way that made his arms look like a frame around the Tsukasa-looking girl.

Saki waved at Nene, her smile warm and shy. "Nice to meet you."

She's nothing like Tsukasa.

The way the girl spoke sounded robot-like, as if she hadn't spoken Japanese in a while.

"And how do you know she's your sister?" Nene said, eyeing Saki cautiously while stroking Emu's hair gently. "You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

Saki looked a little uneasy and nervous now.

"No!" Tsukasa said, grinning widely. "I lost her many years ago, but I found her again!"

Nene didn't buy it. "Yeah, right," She rolled her eyes. "As if you'd find your JAPANESE sister in AMERICA after losing her YEARS AGO."

Tsukasa glared at Nene sourly. "Okay, don't believe me," He said indignantly. "But it's true, and Rui can tell you all about it."

Nene looked at Rui, who nodded. "It's true, Nene. I was there when it happened, you know. So was Emu-kun."

"Seriously?" The eyes green-haired girl widened and she swung around so that she was looking at Saki again. "I'm so sorry!" She said to Tsukasa's sister hurriedly. "Oh my God, I'm sorry!"

Tsukasa's jaw dropped.

Saki laughed. "It's okay," She said. "It sounds very fake, anyway."

"Kusanagi," Shosuke said, a disturbed look on his face. "I am sorry for not taking you seriously."

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