The Truth Comes Out

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⚠️ Some swears, fighting, death threats and an implied r@pe attempt! When three warning symbols like the ones on either end of this paragraph, it means that the stuff mentioned here will start. When they appear for the second time, it means that it is over. ⚠️


"Your mother wants to meet me?" Rui said, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Really? What kind of lies did you tell her to make me sound like a perfect guy?"

     "Rui, no, it's not like that," Tsukasa laughed. "She just wants to meet my c—my friend that I'm super happy about!"

Ack, I almost outed myself! Be careful, Tsukasa!

     "Oh, okay!" Rui smiled. "When would it be okay to visit?"

     Tsukasa's heart caved in on itself and his stomach did somersaults.

     How can one be so cute but so hot??

     "I didn't ask," Tsukasa shrugged nonchalantly, as if his face wasn't red-hot. "I will, though."

     "Say, doesn't class start soon?" Rui tilted his head.

"Does it?" A voice said, making Tsukasa jump with a loud shriek as its owner placed one of their hands on one of the blonde's shoulders.

"Akane, get your hands off of him," Rui said sternly, glaring at the boy behind Tsukasa.

"Why should I, darlin'?" Akane smirked scornfully as he mischievously wrapped his arms around Tsukasa's waist, leaning in close enough to rest his chin onto the future star's shoulder. "Are ya gettin' jealous?"

"Akane, y—you're making me uncomfortable..." Tsukasa tensed, unable to move.

"Let go of Tsukasa-kun!" Rui said.

Yeah! Please do!

"And when were ya planning on telling your precious Tsukasa about that chronic disease of yours?" Akane let go of Tsukasa, instead pinning Rui against the lockers and holding him by the collar.

"Disease?" Tsukasa repeated, trembling. "Rui, what disease?!?"

Rui's back collided against the locker with a loud clang, forcing the air right out of his lungs. The bell signaling the start of first period rang, and students hurriedly scattered to avoid getting involved in the fight.

"Hah, what a bunch of chickens..." Akane snarled before turning back to Rui, who was still catching his breath. "Aren't ya the worst! Goin' and ruinin' everything, especially after I worked so hard to make everyone hate ya! I thought we were friends!"

"What did I ever do to you?" Rui snapped breathlessly, almost shouting.

"Oh, Rui," Akane smiled sadistically, cupping Rui's face in his hands. "Ya made me fall for you."

Tsukasa let out a small noise of shock without opening his mouth. His fists tightened, his fingernails digging into the flesh of his palms.

"You like me?" Rui's eyes widened, the news sinking in painfully like the fangs of a venomous snake. "You can't possibly be serious. Explain yourself. Now."

"Alright," Akane sighed. "You're too lovable, Rui. Ya easily got me under your spell, so who was to say that nobody else liked you? I simply had to keep ya all to myself, darlin'."

"What did you call me?" Rui grabbed Akane's collar as well.


"Ya wanted an explanation, did ya not?" Akane grinned, viciously and roughly prying Rui's hands off of his collar. Then, he pulled a small knife out of his pocket and held it up to Rui's neck. "Shut up and let me finish explainin', then. Either of ya speak again, and you're both dead. Same thing if ya try to fight back. Okay? Okay."

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