Opening Up To Each Other

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Tsukasa kept his eyes on Rui as he stared at the blade in his hand.

     The blonde's mind was full of angry thoughts related to his new grudge against the principal that came along with a strong, burning feeling of hate.

This is so dumb. How could that stupid principal we faked any of this? Rui has an actual cut, for Pete's sake!

Tsukasa didn't realize that he'd started to ball up his fist out of anger—the one that he wasn't holding Rui's hand with, of course.

"Boys, you can stay here if you want," The nurse winked in an attempt to amuse the two students. "Your teachers won't know you skipped class. Stay here, with the coolest and awesomest staff member in the school!" He chuckled. "But, all jokes aside, today has been rough for you both. You should take it easy."

Rui laughed. "Thanks. You really are the coolest and awesomest staff member."

"Yeah," Tsukasa agreed with a grin.

The nurse smiled with his eyes. "Aw, thank you!"

Rui nodded.

Silence filled the office, but soon the clacking of the keys of a keyboard interrupted it as the nurse went back to typing his document. This left Tsukasa tons of time to think about the fight with Akane.

Now that I think about it...

How did Akane know about Saki...? I don't remember telling him anything...

...And how did he know that Rui would be my type?

Did Rui even tell Akane about his disease?

"Rui?" Tsukasa said after these questions became too much to hold in.

"Yes, Tsukasa-kun?" Rui answered, relieved that someone finally decided to speak up and break the awkward silence.

"What disease do you have?" The blonde asked, impatient for an answer.

"Can't get it out of your head, can you..." Rui sighed and held Tsukasa's hand tighter. "Don't worry about it, it's just diabetes."

"Diabetes?!" Tsukasa cried. "Seriously? Which type?"

"Type 17," Rui mused, a smirk breaking onto his face.

The school nurse let out an amused noise.

"SEVENTEEN?!" Tsukasa shouted, flinching in pain as he suddenly sat up in surprise and let go of Rui's hand. "DOES THAT EVEN—WH—ARE YOU GONNA DIE?!?"

Both Rui and the nurse started laughing.

Oh. He's joking.

"You're so stupid, Rui," Tsukasa groaned, letting his back fall against the wall. "I was super worried about you!"

"Haha, sorry, Tsukasa-kun," Rui said, covering his mouth with his hand. "I have type 1 diabetes."

"Doesn't that make so much more sense?" The nurse said with another small laugh as he continued to type.

Oh my GOD.

"Stop that!" Tsukasa let himself slide down the wall. "You guys are evil."

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