Chapter 11: Lesson One

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Lesson One

It was afternoon tea time when Colin Bridgerton took his steps across the street to reach for the Featherington estate. He was welcomed by the butler Briarly from the door, and had been led to the gardens where the youngest ginger of the Featheringtons were staying. She was sitting at one of the garden chairs whilst busily reading a book.

"Miss Penelope, a Mister Bridgerton has come for you." Penelope looked up from the book she was currently reading to see Briarly bringing up their guest. Having a glimpse at the Bridgerton boy, made the ginger head lady exhaled as she braces herself for the inopportune visits she and her mother arranged with the man.

"Thank you, Briarly. If you can kindly ask a servant to bring a cup for Mister Bridgerton."

Colin felt a lump on his throat as once again, he heard his friend address him not by his Christian name. But it is not what made him stand like a toad even after Briarly left. Colin Bridgerton was unable to take a step forward, as he felt like he was seeing a different version of Penelope Featherington. The ginger head lady's appearance as he saw was very alluring. The sage green color of her dress compliments Penelope's porcelain white skin. Her curls are long gone, as it was freely flowing down from her neck to her back in waves. The pink tint on her lips were so captivating that he felt like he is being seduced. Colin blinked twice as he felt his last thought improper. But boy, his good friend Penelope had surely changed for this season. He now truly believes that she is serious in securing a husband for this year.

"Are you to stand there the whole time, Mister Bridgerton?" Penelope asks the nobleman. Colin could see a hint of annoyance on the young lady's face. He could still feel her animosity towards him.

But Colin had expected for her to not easily forgive him, and so he smiles and walks closer to the young Featherington lady. He could see her maid Lily on a corner of the garden which is obviously, to watch and chaperone them for this afternoon.

"Pen. What a lovely afternoon to spend it with you." Colin took the seat on one of the garden chairs just in time when a servant brings them another cup and pour him tea.

"Well, I just hope to complete the lesson so I could retire for the day. Surely, you could make this quick Mister Bridgerton, can you not?"

"Pen.. I..." Colin felt his chest tighten a bit. He is not used to having his friend treat him coldly as she does now. All he could think of is to apologize and get her to smile at him once again. "Listen, about what I said last year, I am truly sorry. Believe me.."

Penelope could only hear the plead coming from Colin's voice. His sincerity is echoing from his hoarse whisper and the sad look in his eyes. However, no matter how the man begs her for her understanding, Penelope Featherington could not absolve him from his actions. She was truly hurt by what happened last year. How could she not? Just right after Colin promised that he will protect her, he came running his foul mouth disparaging her in front of his friends.

"Mister Bridgerton. I wish not to speak of this matter anymore. I was made to believe that your visit will only comprise of the lessons you are to give on courtship. Nothing more." Penelope's tone remained cold and uninterested. She looked at the face of her childhood crush and she could see how he look dejected from her words.

"Then at least, can you call me by name again? You are my best friend. And I feel it weird hearing you address me by my family name." Colin tried pushing his luck to see if he can put a crack on Penelope's defense wall, but to no avail.

"I do not think it would be appropriate Mister Bridgerton. As you see, it would not be in our family's best interests if I were to get into a rumor or scandal of any sort. I would appreciate if you would refrain from calling me by my given name as well." Miss Featherington expressed sternly. Colin could no longer refute as her words were all truth. Even his own mother, Mrs. Bridgerton had advised him as such. And so, after hearing that, Colin set aside the issue and pursue the important matters at hand.

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