Chapter 27: Welcome Back

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Welcome Back

As Penelope stepped into her family home, she was greeted with unexpected excitement from her mother, the dowager Baroness Lady Portia Featherington, and her eldest sister, Prudence. The enthusiasm in their voices caught her off guard, but she could not help but feel a flutter of anticipation as she approached them.

"Penelope, my dear!" Lady Featherington exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy as she enveloped her youngest daughter in a warm embrace. "We have the most marvelous news!"

Prudence beamed beside their mother, her own excitement palpable as she clasped Penelope's hands in hers. "You won't believe it, sister. Duke Debling has written to Mother, asking for your hand in marriage!"

Penelope's heart skipped a beat as she processed the news, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotion. Her heart swelled with happiness as she absorbed the reality of her engagement sinking in. She felt a rush of happiness and excitement at the realization that her betrothal to Duke Thomas Debling was now official. It seems Thomas had already taken the initiative to ask Portia's permission for their marriage even while they were still at the royal retreat in Kew Palace.

Portia Featherington smiled proudly at her youngest daughter, her eyes shining with her rare maternal affection. "I was told that during your outing at Kew, the duke has proposed to you in front of the Queen and you've accepted! Oh, Penelope, I cannot express how overjoyed I am for you, my child. To think that my youngest daughter will soon be a duchess! It's beyond my wildest dreams."

"Forget being a Bridgerton, becoming a duchess would suit you best!" 

It was known among all of her daughters how Portia wanted anyone of them to be wed to a Bridgerton son, as to become connected with that affluent and esteemed family. But since Thomas Debling has riches and titles way above the Viscount Bridgerton, she could no longer ask for more. Once Penelope officially becomes the Duchess of Northumberland and Countess of Beverley, it will help their family and Prudence's standing to become matched with better suitors.

Penelope's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief as she absorbed her mother's words. She had never imagined herself as a duchess, but the thought filled her with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. She will finally get the freedom she had long wanted, and finally be able to make choices on her own, as what Thomas had promised her. He will not ask her to change and will fully give his support no matter what Penelope decides to do.

"Mama, sister. I.. I don't know what to say. This is all so sudden, but.. but I'm truly grateful for your support and happiness. I never imagined that I would be so fortunate." Before she proceeds to her bedchambers to rest from the hours-long carriage ride with Lady Danbury, Penelope prepared to deliver the urgent news to her mother and sister. She knew that their behavior could make or break the impression their family would leave on Lady Jocasta Debling, Thomas' mother.

"Mama, Pru.." Penelope began, her voice steady but tinged with urgency. "We have an important visit to Thomas' estate in two days' time. His mother, Lady Jocasta Debling, will be arriving in London to meet our family and assist with the wedding preparations."

Lady Portia Featherington's eyes widened with surprise, while Prudence's expression shifted with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Penelope continued, her tone firm but polite. "It's imperative that we present ourselves in the best possible light during this visit. I kindly ask that you both be on your best behavior and exercise tact and grace in all our interactions. Our conduct will play a crucial role in shaping Lady Debling's opinion of our family."

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