Chapter 21: Royal Retreat

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Royal Retreat

Queen Charlotte, bored of the season and with an ulterior motive in mind had decided to have a retreat at the Kew Palace, bringing along few notable members of nobility. Though their baron house is a lordless one, Penelope Featherington was fortunate enough to be included in the list of guests the Queen had invited. Sadly, the invitation was not extended for her mother and sibling much to Portia's dismay. Penelope was not even allowed to bring a maid with her as she was assigned to be under Lady Danbury's care. Not that she does not have any problem with the arrangement, but the redhead feels bashful to impose herself to the ton's lioness.

Soon, she found herself inside a carriage at the mercy of the famed Lady Danbury. Knowing that there are hours away from London to Kew, Penelope made sure to bring a couple of books to pass time. And as their ride rumbled along the humps of the road, Agatha Danbury observed Penelope Featherington with keen interest. She could not help but notice how unusually focused and immersed Penelope appeared. Her attention completely absorbed by the book in her hands.

Intrigued by this occurrence, Lady Danbury leaned forward slightly, her gaze fixed on the young redhead. "My dear Penelope, I must say, it is uncommon to see a young lady so deeply engrossed in her reading.

Penelope looked up from her book, closing it subtly as she responds to the old lady with enthusiasm. "Oh, Lady Danbury. I just simply cannot help myself. I am learning lots from reading such books, and sometimes I feel as though I've been transported to another world entirely."

Agatha smiles indulgently at the young lady, pleased to see her taking such pleasure in reading. "Indeed, there is nothing quite like the thrill of getting lost in a good book. Now I see what makes you and Miss Bridgerton alike."

Danbury's mention of Eloise brings a pang of sadness into Penelope. She tried as hard as she can not to let her expressions betray her, but as observant as she is, it did not go unnoticed to the influential woman before her.

"Have you had any recent correspondence with Miss Eloise, Penelope?"

"No, Lady Danbury. We have not spoken since last season.." Miss Featherington replied hesitantly, her features momentarily clouded with uncertainty.

Agatha nodded thoughtfully, noting the tension in Penelope's voice. It was clear to her that there really had been some friction between the two young ladies, though she could not discern the cause.

"I see. Well, perhaps this retreat will provide an opportunity for reconciliation." Lady Danbury remarked diplomatically, deciding not to press the issue further.

Penelope Featherington just offered a small smile in response, though her expression remained guarded. Deep down, she knew that repairing her friendship with Eloise would not be easy, but she was hopeful that with time and effort, they could find their way back to each other again.

It took almost three hours before Danbury's carriage settled at the entrance of the Kew Palace. There were already a few prominent families who arrived earlier than them, Penelope could see the shadows of Cressida and her mother, the son and daughter of the Abernathys, the Smythe-Smith sisters, and from afar she could glance the Bridgerton Brood. Penelope Featherington took a deep breath as she tries to brace herself for a week of unknown yet exciting new events for her.

"Are you prepared, my dear?" Agatha Danbury asks the redhead girl as they take the steps towards the audience room. The thumping sounds of her cane stepping into the ground shows the command the famed lioness has over the ton. The other nobles who were also invited as guests for the retreat became onlookers as they watch the two ladies march towards the hall.

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