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Six years have passed since Duke Thomas Debling and Penelope (neé Featherington) Debling exchanged their vows, and in that time, their lives have been filled with love, joy, and the blessings of a family. As the 1822 social season begins, the Debling household in London is bustling with activity, a testament to the happiness and fulfillment that Thomas and Penelope have found in each other's arms.

Eloise Bridgerton, Penelope's oldest and closest friend came to visit their estate as to catch up with the redhead. Eloise remains unmarried, and will probably be until the end of the current season as she still refuses to take on any suitors. Her mother, Violet had already lost hope at her daughter's prospect for marriage yet still proud that Eloise stands to live life on her own without needing the support of her brother the Viscount Bridgerton and her sister the Duchess of Hastings. From time to time, she spends long months at Northumberland, helping Penelope take care of her little children and accompany the redhead for her duties at the duchy. And now that the Debling Family is back in London, the brunette wasted no time to come visit her dearest friend to discuss about the upcoming issues for Lady Whistledown's columns.

As Eloise and Penelope stepped into the main drawing room of the Debling residence, they were greeted by the lively sight of Henry and Agatha engaged in a spirited bout of sibling rivalry. The two children were in the midst of a playful tussle, their laughter filling the air as they vied for dominance.

"Henry Arthur Debling!" Penelope's voice rang out, firm but tinged with affection as she addressed her son by his full name, her brows furrowed in gentle reprimand. "What do you think you're doing young man? You know better than to fight with your sister."

Henry momentarily chastened by his mother's scolding, looked sheepishly at Penelope before casting a glance at his younger sister, who stood before him with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"But mama." Henry protested with indignation. "Agatha started it!"

Penelope sighed, her lips quirking into a fond smile as she knelt down to the children's eye level, her tone gentle but firm. "I don't care who started it, Henry. As the older brother, it's your responsibility to protect your sister and act as a gentleman. Now, both of you, go find your brother Edward and ask him to play with you."

With a resigned nod, Henry and Agatha scurried off, their playful bickering forgotten as they obediently obeyed their mother's command. As they disappeared from view, Penelope turned to Eloise with a weary but amused expression.

"They certainly keep me on my toes." She remarked, a hint of laughter in her voice as she settled back into her seat. "I swear, some days it feels like I'm running a circus rather than a household."

Eloise chuckled in response, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she took a seat beside her best friend. "Children certainly have a way of keeping life interesting, don't they?"

Before Penelope could reply, Eloise's expression turned thoughtful as she broached a more serious topic. "Speaking of children, how is my godson, William? I haven't seen him in ages."

A warm smile graced Penelope's features as she spoke of her youngest son. "William is doing wonderfully. He is currently at Jocasta's care as she missed him terribly so." She replied, her voice tinged with pride. "He's growing like a weed and getting into all sorts of mischief now that he's started to crawl, just like his siblings. But he's a sweet baby at heart, and I couldn't be prouder to call him my son."

As the two friends settled into conversation, the laughter of children echoed in the distance, a reminder of the joy and chaos that filled their lives. And as they caught up on the events from the off season, their bond of friendship only grew stronger, a testament to the enduring power of love and companionship in the face of life's trials and tribulations.


Thomas Arthur Debling, the Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Beverley, has flourished more both personally and professionally in the years since his marriage to Penelope. With her unwavering support and love by his side, Thomas has navigated the responsibilities of his titles with grace and dignity, earning the respect and admiration of his peers and constituents alike. Known for his integrity, compassion and unwavering dedication to his family and community, Thomas has become a pillar of strength and leadership in society, leaving a lasting legacy that will endure for generations to come.

Penelope Debling, the Duchess of Northumberland and Countess of Beverley, has blossomed into a confident and radiant woman, her grace and charm captivating all who have the privilege of knowing her. With her innate kindness, intelligence, and boundless energy, Penelope has become a beloved figure in society, admired for her charitable endeavors and unwavering commitment to her family. As a mother, Penelope nurtures and guides her children with love and devotion, instilling in them the values of kindness, compassion, and integrity that she holds dear.

Their eldest, Edward Arthur Debling, is fastly growing into a young man. At the young age of six, he has inherited his father's sense of honor and duty while forging his own path in the world. Edward excels in his studies, earning the respect and admiration of his parents' peers and acquaintances. As the heir of the Northumberland dukedom, Edward is destined for greatness, his future bright with promise and possibility.

Henry Arthur, at four years, and Agatha Anne, at three, the spirited siblings, have grown into inseparable companions, their bond as strong as ever as they navigate the joys and challenges of childhood together. As the second born son, Henry inherited and became the Baron Featherington at his birth, as there were no other sons born from Penelope's sisters, making Penelope the current Baroness as her son is unmarried and has not come of age yet. Agatha, being the only daughter in the family, is well loved by all as she mirrors the beauty her redhead mother has, making her a spectacle in everyone's eyes. With Penelope's guidance and Thomas' wisdom, they have flourished into kind-hearted and adventurous souls, eager in exploring the world around them.

And then there is William Arthur, the youngest member of the Debling family, born just a year ago, a bundle of energy and mischief who brings endless laughter and joy to their lives. With his infectious smiles and cries, William is a constant source of delight for his parents and siblings, his presence a reminder of the beauty and wonder of life's simplest pleasures. Being the youngest son, he is expected to take over the Earl of Beverley's title when he comes of age.

Together as a family, Thomas and Penelope Debling have found happiness and fulfillment beyond their wildest dreams, their love for each other and their children serving as the foundation upon which their lives are built. As they embark on the 1822 social season and all the adventures that lie ahead, they do so with hearts full of gratitude, knowing that their greatest treasure is the love they share and the family they have created together.

xx The End xx


Author's Note:

To be honest, I was at a loss on how to write this ending.

I do not really want to finish this as I continue to imagine the love story between Penelope and Lord Debling.

I wanted to delve more about their courtship, Colin's heartbreak and the involvement of other characters in Penelope's life.

However, I know I will not be able to give them justice as I write poorly.

And so, here we are reaching at the conclusion on how Penelope, an insipid wallflower, came to bloom as a jewel by her own.

As they say, all stories must come to an end.

I can not thank you guys enough for being with me as I go along with this story.

I know Penelope x Lord Debling is not a usual tandem for existing Bridgerton fanfics. Nevertheless, you still continued to support them throughout this story.

Thank you. I am inspired to explore more creative options because of that.

As I have mentioned before, I am planning to create a Penthony story and also add a few chapters about Penelope and Debling's married life.

My only concern is, what should I do first? Oh, pray tell.

Gosh. I'm so excited for May 16. Let's all watch together the new season!!!! ♥

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