Chapter 3

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Third P.O.V.

Dylan smirks at what Alec said. 

"Dylan, come back over here." Bella hisses.

"You know, I can get you into trouble right?" Dylan asks sarcastically.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Bella said trying to deny anything her sister was about to say.

"Oh well lets start with the first thing. Edward sneaks into your room at night. You spent all of your college money to buy motorbikes so you can see Edward. You almost killed yourself or had Laurent try to kill you. Uh what else?" Dylan says listing off the different things. "Oh, acting like a zombie just for attention." 

"Oh, i'm enjoying this." Demetri says with a smirk.

"I know it's like a reality TV show." Felix agrees.

*Time skip*

Aro had made his decision that Bella be turned soon as Dylan will have to wait a few years before she's turned because she's too young. Dylan was sent ahead with Jane and Alec so she wasn't on the same plane as Bella, Alice and Edward.

They make it back to Forks and Dylan gives them directions of where her home is. She sees her dad's cruiser in the driveway and she quickly gets out running straight to the door. She opens it to see her dad in the living room eating.

"Daddy!" Dylan yells causing her dad to quickly get up and rush to his daughter. 

"Where were you!?" Charlie yells.

"You might want to sit down, sir." Jane's voice is heard and the two look up to see the twins.

"Who are you?" Charlie asks.

"I'm Alec Volturi and this is my twin sister Jane Volturi." Alec answered.

The four sit down in the living as Dylan starts explaining where she was forced to go. Charlie was fuming but also thankful to the twins.

The story was that Alice had come to the house in search of Bella telling her that Edward was going to kill himself in Volterra, Italy. Alice stole Dylan from her bed practically taking her from her bed. They went to find Edward in Italy and Dylan was separated from the two leaving her behind. She was found by Jane and Alec's father who took her as she explained her story. And the rest you know from there.

"Thank you both for bringing my daughter back." Charlie said.

"Of course, sir." Alec said.

"And you have manners. I like you more than I like Edward." Charlie said and the group chuckles.

"I also have blackmail on Bella. Would you like to hear it?" Dylan asks.

"Oh hell yeah I would." Charlie said.

"Edward sneaks into her room at night. She spent all of her college money to buy motorbikes so she can see Edward and had Jake put them back together She almost killed yourself. Oh and acting like a zombie just for attention." Dylan answered.

"She's grounded. Do you two know how to put bars up on a window?" Charlie asks the twins to which they nodded.

"Yeah, we do. Our uncle taught us how to build or put things onto something." Jane answered.

"Perfect." Charlie said before the four head to the attic where he grabs some bars.

"I don't want to question why you randomly have bars in the attic." Dylan said.

"Well I am answering. Just in case Bella does something stupid." Charlie answered.

"Got it." Dylan said, before turning around to look at the twins before mouthing, "No I do not." 

The twins stifle a laugh before helping Charlie put the bars on Bella's windows which were reinforced which vampires can't break through.

*I don't know if that is actually true so just go with it*

"Thank you for your help." Charlie thanks the twins.

"Of course. Our family always tells us we need to help adults when they ask or don't ask." Jane answered with a smile.

"Well thanks again. Do you want to stay the night before you leave in the morning?" Charlie asks offering.

The twins look at each other debating. 

"Thank you, we'd like that. Also our family has this very strict diet so we won't be eating with your family." Alec says coming up with a quick lie.

"Nice save." Dylan whispered knowing they could hear it.

"Jane, you can sleep in Dylan's room so you two will bunk together. Alec, you can take the couch." Charlie said with a smile.

"Um, Mr. Swan. I've had nightmares since I was six and Alec has always slept next to me because he keeps them away. Can he stay in the room with myself and Dylan? It's only for the night." Jane asks, also coming up with a quick lie.

"First just call me, Charlie. And second, if he helps keep the nightmares away go right ahead." Charlie agrees.

"Thank you." Jane said.

"You're welcome." Charlie said before he checks the time. "Well I've gotta get to work. I'll be home in several hours and you know where everything is, Dylan." 

"Yup, got it dad." Dylan says with a huge smile.

Charlie kisses the top of her head before heading out of the house.

"Your dad seems pretty cool." Alec says as he, Jane and Dylan sit on the couch.

"He is but he does get pretty awkward when talking for too long. I believe that's where Isabella gets it from. But I've got my dad's stubbornness and my mom's perceptive. Isabella is very clumsy trips over everything including air. Also a very bad liar, stubborn and persistent. So when she was trying to figure out Edward and his family were she wouldn't stop until she got her answer." Dylan said.

"I guess that also makes you total opposites." Jane says.

"Yup. Plus with the seven year age gap, it does not help. She always tried getting the attention when I was little but my dad who was apparently my favorite when I was little still paid more attention to me than his eldest daughter. Mom did love me but she's complicated." Dylan answered.

"So you're basically saying your mother and sister are bit fucked up in the head?" Alec asks.

"Pretty much yes." Dylan answered with a smile.

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