💫 Chapter-28💫

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YN was in the meeting room having a deal with some clients when her phone rang

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YN was in the meeting room having a deal with some clients when her phone rang. She took a glance and saw it was Eunwoo. She frowned, cause Eunwoo never calls her during her office time.

"Excuse me" she said to the client while picking up her phone.

What happened?

Suzy Noona called me and told me about the person's who were following Sarang were some spy

What? Really? 

Yes Ms. Kim. Why would I lie?

I didn't mean that way...
But why didn't Unnie called me?

Where are you right now Ms. Kim?

Office. In meeting room.

Then ofcourse you just have kept your phone on silent Ms. Kim

But I picked up your call and it rang too.

*Sigh* Ms. Kim, it's not your normal phone. It's your work phone in which I called on this one. Anyways, the guards you sent with you family, took those men to our base.

Oh, great. Thanks for telling me.
After I am done with this meeting, I'll directly come there. Till then, call Jackson and tell him to have a nice talk with those men.

Sure Ms. Kim. Even I'll join him.


YN cutted the call and focused on the meeting. I mean she tried to cause her full focus was on those men now.

After half an hour, the meeting was over. YN immediately went to her cabin and told her secretary that she is going and went to her base.

Reaching their, the first person she saw was Jennie. "Unnie, where are those bastards?" She asked walking towards her. "In our basement. Come with me" YN nodded abd followed Jennie who was leading the way.

Soon they reached outside the basement. Jennie was about to open the door but YN stopped her. "Unnie, are Jackson and Eunwoo torturing them?" She asked. Jennie's hand which were about to open the door stopped.

She turned towards YN and nodded her head. "Let them finish. Then we will go in" she said avoiding eyes contact with Jennie.

Jennie chuckled and said, "Why are you pretending infront of me YN-ie? I very well know how much you dislike this. Don't worry, I'll message them to finish up fast and clean up too. Then we can go in. Hmm?" YN smiled and nodded her head.

You must we wondering why Jennie said that? Well, YN may have became an Agent but still she don't like torture and all this things. She became Agent to take revenge from Roy nothing else. So, whenever someone is being tortured, she stays outside, waits for them to finish up and then go inside.

Jennie messaged Jackson to finish up fast as YN is here. And within 10 minutes, the door opened revealing Eunwoo. Jennie peaked inside and then looked at YN telling her "We can go in now" YN nodded her head and went inside with Jennie. Eunwoo also followed them.

They saw Jackson sitting on one of the chairs infront of two tied mans who were half dead. Her aura immediately changed.

(AN- not you _Kim_Aura_ lol 😆 Cause the first thing came to my mind was Aura is Kim Aura!!)

Anyways, as YN entered the room, her expression hardened at the sight of the men. "What do we have here?" she asked, her voice cold and controlled despite the anger simmering beneath the surface.

Jackson glanced up, his features grim. "Ms. YN, They're not saying much, just some nonsense about being hired to keep an eye on Sarang."

YN's jaw clenched. "Who hired them?" she demanded, her gaze piercing.

One of the men groaned weakly, but Jackson shook his head. "They're not cooperating. Seems like they've been trained to withstand interrogation."

YN's eyes flickered with frustration and anger, but she maintained her composure. "Fine. Tell our guards to take them to separate rooms, maybe they'll be more talkative alone," she instructed, her voice firm.

Jennie nodded, already motioning for the guards to follow her lead. As the men were led away, YN turned to Eunwoo. "Find out everything you can about their Boss. I have a doubt it's Black Rose only"

Eunwoo nodded in understanding, his expression mirroring YN's determination. "I'll get on it right away, Ms. Kim."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Eunwoo left the room. YN turned towards Jackson and Jennie. "Did our spy found any information from their base?" She asked to Jackson who shook his head.

"Till now no. What they told me is, Black Rose is not doing anything. No one saw Roy from some days, some members believe he is outside Seoul" Jackson replied.

YN nodded her head and turned to Jenni now."Unnie, can you call some high trained guards who can be with our family all the time when me or you are not there?"

"Ofcourse YN. I'll do it right away" she said and went outside while calling someone.

"Any work for me Ms. YN?" Jackson asked as he and YN started to walk outside. YN shook her head and answered, "We are alone now. So, please stop calling me Ms. YN, Oppa"

Jackson chuckled and nodded his head. "Sure Sure. Anyways, where are we even going right now?" He asked. YN, without looking at him replied, "To the weapons room. I want to check what all new weapons I need"

"So, are you gonna change your gun now?" Jackson asked. YN stopped and shook her head. "No Oppa. I'll never change my personal gun. I have already told I'll kill Roy with that gun then only I'll change it"

"I don't really understand you wierd obsession with that specific gun. There are a lot new guns which are more powerful them why that only?" Jackson asked determined to know the answer this time.

YN took a breath and replied, "It's Jin Oppa's gun"

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