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The door slammed leaving a very confused toddler, wondering what she had done wrong this time to make her mommy mad. Amidst her confusion, one thing was clear to her.

she was going to be punished.

And that was the last thing she wanted. She wanted to be hugged, comforted and treated like her twin was, but it seemed like everything she did turned out bad and just caused more problems.

She glanced at her twin sister who stood there, frightened by the noise of the door slamming. Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing their father who scanned the room with his eyes and only stopped when he saw her sister. His facial muscles relaxed as he scooped her up in his arms.

He was about to turn around and leave but as he got to the door frame, he turned back to look at his younger daughter who had no idea what was happening. He looked at her for no longer than a second before he quietly shut the door and left.

There she was, an innocent 3 year old, all alone; both physically and mentally.

She didn't know what happened or what she did wrong. Tears started forming in her grey eyes, making her look even more vulnerable. It wasn't long till her tiny legs couldn't take it any more and colapsed onto the cold hard floor.

She took this moment to examine the brown checkered floor, how it seemed so natural yet abnormal, how it felt distant yet comforting but most of all how it was so cold and guarded yet so warm and welcoming at the same time.

It was questionable but still very mesmerising.

She was so close to forgetting what happened a few moments ago but it all was destroyed when a lone tear dripped onto the floor from her face. As it crashed down, the events of the evening came crashing down to her.

She slowly got up and locked the door, climbed onto the bed wondering what would be her punishment the next day....

Hey blobfishes!! This is my very first wattpad story and I hope you liked it. The next chapters will be longer.

Also I do not have a name for you guys yet so I will keep calling you guys any random names I want.

If there are any mistakes involved in this story (other than me) please be sure to point it out.

That's all so thank you fellow blobfishes.


The Girl They ForgotWhere stories live. Discover now