6.The Battlefield And The Cottage Cheese

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After getting ready, I set out on a journey to one of to worst nightmares of introverts, the place of necessities and horrors. This place is also known as.....

The local super market.

Even though it sounds innocent and peaceful, trust me its a whole battle field. Our town is not by any means small. In fact, it has many famous people of the city living here to seem down to earth. But this place only has two super markets. So even though it gets restocked twice a week, there is a lot of competition for goods.

Before my brain can even register anything, im standing outside the super market. I just look at it blankly while questioning my life choices. I sigh, knowing there's no way out of this.

Taking a deep breath, I walk in not knowing what's in store for me. ( Get it? Store? Okay I'll shut up now.)

As I walked in, the fresh smell of mint refreshed me and the sound of people fighting for the last dozen eggs when there were piles of egg cartons right beside them. Yeah, they were blind.

After living here my entire life, I have come to a conclusion- people come here to perfect their hair pulling, cursing and screaming skills. I sighed, deciding I would buy eggs at the very end.

~ Magical Time skip ~

I glanced back at the list on my phone.

Cheese slices
Pizza Dough
Baking soda
Bell peppers
Whipped cream


Cottage Cheese

God, I HATE cottage cheese.

I sighed as I realised I had everything except eggs. I walked over to the eggs aisle and yep, they were still fighting. I snuck past them, rubbing against many sweaty people in the process. After what felt like ages, My hands reached a single egg carton.

I grabbed it and started speed walking towards the cash register because if there was anything these people liked more than fighting and cursing, it was gossiping.

Even though it would be a smarter option to invite some people in the store itself, I figured I can't take all the stares, whispers and judgemental words at the same time.

My epic game plan was interrupted by a beep indicating that the scanning was done. My face fell, as the total came up to $258.00. Birth giver only gave me $250. My hand quivered as I reached inside my bag and pulled out a $10 along with the $250.

The cashier returned me the $2 and thanked me for coming to their store and what not but I wasn't listening. I just nodded and walked out of the store, my entire world feeling numb.

I walked in absolute silence for a few minutes. My foot steps barely making any noise. I wasn't even sure if I was breathing. I felt like a ghost. A ghost. Yeah, that's what I am. No one would care if a ghost disappeared.

Now, you might be wondering one of two things- Why didn't you just take something out of the cart? Or Why are you overreacting? it's just $8?

One, birth giver knew exactly how to mess with me. She knew we never used cottage cheese. Yet she added it to the list just so she could make me use my money that I worked hard for. And she always made sure those particular items were never missed out. That's the reason I always keep account of the grocery items in that hell hole.

Two, Every single penny matters to me. Every. Single. Penny. Each dollar represents my freedom and life after I leave this hell hole. With that money, I could buy a bus ticket and get out of this place. Every time, the extra amount never exceeded $5. Now, it was suddenly $8.

I felt the wind hit me harder than ever. I could feel them getting harsher everyday but no one else seemed to be affected so I ignored it. I took this moment to think about how I was feeling. It felt surreal.

Even when there were people all around me, walking and existing, I felt as if I was alone. No, I was not feeling lonely, I was feeling alone. It made me feel like it was me against the entire world. It felt like if something happened to me right now, no one would help me.

No one.

And you know what's the worst part about that scenario? It's the fact that...

I didn't want them to...

Heyy Dumplingssss!

Sorry for this short chapter... I promise you im gonna try my best to post one now. Please bare with me.... Also, How did you like the chapter? Please point out mistakes if there are any. I read all my comments so do Let me know!

By the way, I forgot to mention,the first sentence of the chapter and whatever comments that I am making in the middle of the chapter and the notes at the end of the chapter will all be in bold.

Byee Dumplings!!

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