3.Mystery Girl.

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Noah's POV

My eyes fluttered open to someone trying to open the door. I shot up, knowing no one would rob a house at 6 in the morning; Not mine at least. This house was more of a shed with 4 poorly built walks. It looked bad on the outside and even worse on the inside.

Heck, if a thief ever broke in, they would probably leave money. Beer bottles; broken, intact and some having months old beer. No furniture except a brand new tv which I don't know where he go from, an old sofa to pass out on and a small glass table, which I was sure would break today.

Why, you may ask? Because the landlord came yesterday and told me that the electricity and water bill was $73. 49.

That was $4.49 more than last month. Its not like he pays for any of the bills, I pay them with whatever little money I get from measly part time jobs.

But when was he ever sensible, he just wants a punching bag to show his anger on. I don't know what I will be when I grow up but for now, Im just a personal venting machine.

My thoughts were cut short when I heard a subtle click indicating that the devil has returned. I instinctively stood up from the wall I was learning on. The door opened slowly and a wobbling figure walked in.

Great. He was drunk.

This just made him less conscious about where and how hard he hit me.

He walks up to me and gets dangerously close to my face. His eyes brightest red and dilated. He gritted his pale yellow teeth as he spoke.

" I received a call from Bill. Would you like to tell me what happened?" He asked coldly, without slurring a single word. This was his way of torturing me, giving me hope that I have a chance to speak up or defend myself but it will only get me in a worse situation.

I hung my head low and stayed silent. Next thing I knew, his hand came up to my face and roughly grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. "Answer me" He gritted out as his patience was running out.

"H-He called to tell you about t-the electricity and water bill"I spoke as I cursed myself for stuttering. "What about it?" He asked, pretending to be clueless but he had a knowing look in his eyes.

"This time the b-bill is $73.49. It is a bit more than last month's bill " I spoke as my voice wavered.
"A bit more, huh? How much exactly was it?" He questioned. I gulped and spoke "$4.49 more"

I looked at his face to analyse it. He seemed to be conflicted. "You see to think than $4.49 is less?"
" N-" "Did I allow you to talk?"He cut me off. I shut my mouth, thinking about the consequences.

"Since you think so, how do you feel about 449 cuts? Or 449 whips? Or maybe 449 seconds underwater?" He questioned, his eyes shining with excitement with just a thought of it. I gulped as he walked over to a drawer and bought a pocket knife from inside.

He stared at the knife for 4 long minutes and finally looked at me. "You know what? Im going to be generous. Get out and we will talk about this in the evening." I immediately nodded and took my backpack laying limply on the floor beside me.

As I walked out of the gate, I started thinking about my life and how I could live normally like other teens.
Suddenly, I bumped into something or rather someone.

As I I looked down, my eyes widened. There, stood the most pretiest girl I had ever seen. She was always staring at me in what I think was awe. It was as if time just stopped. I took this time to examine her features.

Her pale white skin completementing her light grey eyes. Her brown hair flowing naturally to the cold winter winds. She was shorter than me and looked a few years younger. I looked back at her and I felt a new surge of confidence enter me.

"You know its wrong to stare, right?" I teased. She blushed and looked down. Cute.
"No I wasn't" She defended in a voice that I internally fanboyed for. "Sure you weren't" I replied snarkily.

Just then, a thought crossed my mind. What if he saw us here? What if he saw me talking to her? I couldn't let anything happen to her. I don't know why but I instantly became protective of this stranger that I knew for less than a minute.

To protect her from that monster, I took a very hard decision; I left. As I was leaving, I could feel her eyes on the back of my head but I had to stay strong. For her.

I decided to stay outside a cafe for the rest of the day. It was the weekend after all. I tried my best to distract myself but my mind kept wandering back to a certain brunette.

Damn, I didn't even get her name. Guess she's just Mystery Girl for now.

Hey honey bees! What do you think about this chapter? This is the first chapter with a POV change. Do you think I should do it often? Let me know in the comments.

Byee Honey Bees!

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