4.The Complex And The Complextities

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Annabeth'S POV

After dinner, I walked through the crowded streets. Pushing through everyone and barely surviving it as they kept spawning out of nowhere.

What are they, NPCs?

I sighed as I finally got through them. I kept walking, thinking about my life. It was all just sad. I remembered wanting to be someone else.

Someone normal.

A voice inside me whispered. This voice always annoyed me because I wanted it to be gone but it always stayed. I don't want to believe it but a part of me always did...

I shook all these thoughts away and focused on where to spend the night. I could spend it on a bench in a park but even for me, who is basically homeless, that was too unsafe.

I curse under my breath when I realised I was at that part of hell. The part which I hated the most- other than the hell hole.

I was at the centre of the city. We lived pretty close to centre but it hurt everytime I saw everyone living their seemingly perfect lives.

I was hurt because everyone around me seemed so happy. Some came there to celebrate their birthdays or some other event. Some came with friends while others came with family.

I have neither.

I felt like crying when I saw the happiness in their eyes. Sure, I could fake being happy and normal but the happiness in their eyes was unmatchable. They just looked so free and calm.

But the worst part was when I realise how wrong it all was. It only takes a few seconds of looking to see the worry and sadness in them.

But they appear so happy, so There must be some problem with me. Maybe birth giver was right. Maybe I am dramatic. Maybe I deserve to get mentally abused. Maybe I do deserve to get physically abused. Maybe I do deserve to di-

Oh no...

This is why I hate coming here. It makes me question everything that I was sure of 2 minutes ago. It makes me want to shrivel up and die but maybe I deserve that..

I shook my head and walked back to my neighborhood. My legs only stopping when I reaches the same gate I walked out of this morning. I huffed and walked through it, mentally preparing myself for what was about to come. I closed the gate quietly and tried to open the door.

My eyebrows knitting together in confusion. Did she forget? That can't be right. My twin, always kept the door open at night so that I could sneak in.

Now, before you start praising her and thinking she's not that much of a bitch, its just so she knows when I arrive and can snitch to birth giver. That's the only reason she does that.

I opened my old iPhone 8 and found her contact. Face sharing bitch. Yup, that's the one. I called her and rolled my eyes when it went straight to voice mail.

I called again and again until she finally replied. "What?" She asked harshly. "Open the door" I spoke calmly. "They didn't tell you?" She asked, sounding confused.

"Didn't tell me what?" I asked. "We came out for dinner. I asked mom about you, she said that she told you but you weren't interested." She said nonchalantly.

She spoke as if she didn't just burn my already broken heart. I don't know why but even after distancing myself from all of them, it still hurts. I don't want it to but it does...

Why didn't they want me? Was I really that bad? What did I do so wrong that made them hate me? I don't remember doing anything wrong so why....

I took a deep breath, blinking my tears away. "O-Okay. When are you coming back?" I questioned as I tried my best to sound okay.

"We aren't. We're staying at aunt Cathys. We'll come back tomorrow." She spoke as she was called for dinner.

"Annabeth? Are you there? The keys are under the lamp. I have to go eat dinner so bye".

Beep beep beep

The line went quiet. The cold wind hitting me harder than ever but I didn't care. I wanted to freeze and die. I didn't realise I was crying until a drop landed on my pale cheek. I rushed to wipe it off, afraid that someone might see me.

Drop drop drop. The drops didn't stop as I struggle to wipe all of them. It was as if my body gave up. Maybe it was the cold wind. Or the feeling of being alone. Or feeling abandoned.

I dropped to my knees and started sobbing quietly. I cried, reminding myself of the pathetic situation I was in. After what felt like an eternity, I got up and walked over to the lamp on the head of the stairs.

I found the keys and unlocked the door. The house was empty and cold. I turned on the lights and yup, everything was in the same place as it was this morning.

I sighed as I cleaned everything up. Why, you may ask, I don't know. Guess it was just muscle memory. More like trauma, a voice inside me whispered.

I took one last look at the room. Nice, it looked normal. I took my backpack which was lying on the floor and walked up the stairs to the attic. I turned on the worn out light and set the backpack aside.

Then, like every other day, I cried myself back to sleep.

Ah, peace!

Hey ducklingsss!! Whatcha doing? Hope you liked the chapter. Sorry I took this long to write such a boring chapter.

This one took a while as I didn't have any Inspirational. *Ahem* Also known as laziness *Ahem*

Also I realised I didn't beg you guys for votes so im not going to do that. But please feel free to show appreciation for a good chapter.

Bye ducklings!

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