5.Neighborhood Traditions

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Double update!!!

I vaguely remember our history teacher saying that peace was never eternal. Today, I understood the real meaning of that quote when my beautiful sleep was interrupted by my phone's annoying ringtone.

Damn, for a girl who has 3 contacts, I get a lot of calls.

I groggily woke up, probably looking like a dead fish. I blindly reached for my phone, still adjusting to how bright the light was. My eyes widened, realising who was calling me.

Birth giver.

Why was she calling me? Did she call to remind me to make breakfast? Why would she do that? Was she that hungry? When will they reach? Well it was only 5 in the morning right.... Right?

I looked at the time. Crap. It was 6:30 am. How did I wake up this late? My thoughts were interrupted by my phone still vibrating in my hand. I gulped and answered

"H-Hello?" I forced my voice to seem confident and awake but it sounded completely different.

"We're not coming home until 7:00 pm. Don't go to school today and invite the entire neighborhood. I heard we have some new neighbors so make sure to invite them. The party is at 8:00 so prepare everything. I'll send you the list of food to make. I'll send you money so go grocery shopping. There should'nt be a speck of dust in the entire house. Understand?"

She spoke in one breath. "Ok, anything else?" I asked unemotionally. "Leave after we come back. Spend the night somewhere else " She spoke just as unemotionally.

"Hmm" I hummed and cut the call. If I behaved so carelessly some other time, I would be 6 feet under but now she won't say anything to me now because she had work for me to do.

Our neighborhood had a tradition where each house had to host a party for the entire neighborhood at least once a year. Everyone except the creepy part of the neighborhood hosted and attended them. That part only consisted of 4 houses, two of which were never bought, one house in which the owners are on vacation and one house which had people that almost no one ever saw.

I sighed as I realised how long this day would be. Well, at least I don't have school. I looked down at my phone as it dinged, indicating a new message. It was from birth giver - list of food items and $250.

I got up and prepared myself for the day.

Hey smurfs!

Im so sorry for such a short chapter... The chapters will be longer in the future.
Anyway, what do you think about this chapter? Any suggestions? Please point out any mistakes...

Byee smurfs!

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