1.Breakfast And Spiders

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I groaned as I got up from the cold floor.I started walking to the small, blurry window in the corner of my room which is just an old, creepy attic.

The memories were still fuzy but the way the house was so quiet and empty. The way the old creaky front  door was silent.The way there was no screaming. All of it confirmed one thing to me;

Something was wrong.

And I had no idea what it was. I quickly walked into my small bathroom and washed my face, which I now realised was stained with tears. I had no idea I even cried last night. I had to find out what happened last night and see if I did anything wrong.

The last thing I remember was my mother telling me to clean the storage room.


I didn't clean it. I was going to be punished. Before I knew it, I was on the bathroom floor, hyperventilating. If this kept going I was going to be late and possibly get 2 punishments.

The mere thought of it made me shiver. So I quickly got up and change into an old hoodie I got as a gift years ago. With a heavy heart, I opened the door which unfortunately creaked open. I froze. After a long minute, I looked around to see if anyone heard it. Once the coast was clear, I tiptoed down the stairs.

I snuck into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Breakfast for three of course. Mother said I didn't deserve to eat. But I always snuck some bread into my backpack to eat while walking to school. Just as I set the plates on the table, I heard a loud scream.


I quickly turned back and there stood my mother, her perfectly curled brown hair hanging down her shoulders. Her pale white skin looking even lighter from the lightning in the kitchen. Her light green eyes glistening with mischief and a wide, wicked grin spread across her face.

"So you can hear me, but you choose to ignore me? " She questioned but it sounded more like a statement.
"I-" "Did I say you were allowed to talk?" She cut me off.

I was about to stay silent but I remebered that she gets angry when I don't answer. "No, its just that I forgo-"
My explanation was interrupted by a loud smack. I would have questioned it, if it wasn't for the stinging pain in my right cheek.

"DID I ALLOW YOU TO SPEAK??!!!!" She screamed at me, her eyes wide and her nostrils flaring with anger.

"N-No"I said as I inwardly curse myself for stuttering.

"No what Annabeth?" She asked wickedly, knowing the effect she had on me.

I felt brave so I didn't answer. After all, I had a bit of self respect. But I quickly regretted it when my hair was yanked backwards making me yelp.

"Brave, are we? That's not how you speak to your mother" She said, making me cringe at that unfortunate fact.

I decided that a bit of hairloss didn't hurt anyone so I didn't reply.
I could see how this affected her as her eyes turned a deeper shade of green.

She lifted her hand, possibly to slap me again. I shut my eyes as I braced myself for the impact but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see my step father.

He was standing at the door looking at my mom lovingly who was now surprisingly hugging him. His gaze shifted to me and he gave me a not so happy smile.

"Hey Beth, what are you doing this early? Its only 5:30 in the morning. You still have 2 hours for school."

Here's the thing with my stepdad, he mostly doesn't know what my mom puts me through. And he is extremely oblivious to basically everything.

"Today is Sunday. I make breakfast every day at this time" I deadpanned.

His face fell "Oh...I didn't know you could cook" I almost rolled my eyes at this statement. I have been cooking breakfast ever since I was 9 and now im 15.

"I've been cooking since I was 9 so that's seven years now" I replied coldly. Before he could say anything else I walked past him to my attic.

Before I could enter it though, I heard excited shrieks coming from my sister's room. I rolled my eyes, knowing its probably her friend and her having a sleepover.

I walked over to her room and knocked loudly and told her to tone it down. The noise stopped for a while before it got even louder.

I sighed. Why did I even brother being rational with her?

I knocked again."By the way, did I tell you that I found a spider under your bed? It looked venomous too" Then, all hell broke lose.

I snickered quietly as the excited shrieks turned into terrified screams, begging me to come and rescue them or some shit. But I ignored them and walked into my attic, plopping into my dirty mattress and cuddling to the only pillow that I owned.

Ah, peace.

My fellow snails, welcome to the first official chapter of this book. Please leave feed back on how I could improve the story so far. I will try my best to keep you guys entertained *insert wink*

Byee my snail army(^o^)

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