Boring Day

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Catnap suddenly got hot, which made him panic. He knew it meant his time was now very limited, he stood up, ignoring the sharp pain in every little scratch on his body. He started running towards the sunset in hopes to find help. After a minute he found a gas station. He walked in and passed the sleeping worker to hide by the vent letting out heat. It was fairly hot there. Catnap panted.

"you alright dude?"

Catnap looked up at the worker, who was holding coffee in her hand. The worker sipped her coffee, and went to touch his hand.

Catnap "Hiss!!" He rubbed his hip against the heater

He flinched back, his hip bleeding against the burning. The worker went to the back and came out with a med kit. She touched his ear, trying to calm him. Catnap jumped back, cornering himself. The worker smiled and slowly pet his hand, trying to comfort him. She carefully bandaged him up and gasped.

"wait a damn minute..."

The worker went behind the desk and pulled a paper out and looked at it then CatNap. The worker walked over and sat down.

"Are you Catnap?"

Catnap "Mrow..?"

The worker called the number in the flyer and waited. Dogday answered, groaning.

Dogday "Hello....?" He yawned

"i think i found your Catnap"

Dogday "What?"

The worker gave the phone to Catnap and yawned again, sipping her coffee.

Catnap "Mrahhh..."

Dogday "K- kitty....?"

Catnap "Mrahhh"

Dogday started sobbing. He asked for their location and quickly drove there. Dogday ran inside and hugged Catnap. Catnap wobbled on his two legs, since he'd been on all fours for the last year, and his hip wound. Dogday kissed Catnap aggressively,  Catnap obviously kissed back. Dogday and Catnap kissed for what felt like forever. Dogday grabbed CatNap's tail and wrapped it around his arm. Dogday felt how cold he was and felt a few healed bones that were previously broken. Dogday could tell Catnap was in pain. He thanked the worker and took Catnap to Kicken's house First. Catnap wouldn't trust a hospital enough at this moment. Dogday knocked on the door. Despite it being late he heard voices inside and a lamp was on, more dim than normal with Kickin'. Dogday texted Bubba to "Stop fucking your toy and get your ass out here." And knocked again. Bubba opened the door after a minute, wearing a robe.

Bubba "What?"

Dogday "It's Catnap, h-"

Bubba "Well get him in here then!"


Catnap laid in the guest bedroom in Kicken's house. Bubba had medical supplies at home and luckily just what they needed. Catnap didn't let them touch him without Dogday at least in the room. Dogday kissed Catnap and Bubba flicked the shot. Catnap didn't react to Dogday, he just stared at the shot. Bubba looked at him.

Kicken' "this won't be easy, Will it?"

Catnap growled when Bubba got closer. Bubba answered Kicken' with a very long explanation but to spare the story, no. It wouldn't be easy. Catnap hissed again, sitting up. Bubba backed off a bit and put the shot down.

Dogday "Crafty likes Picky"

Catnap turned, his jaw dropped. Bubba took his chance and grabbed the shot again, slowly walking up behind the cat. He lined the shot up.

Dogday "And Hoppy and Bobby are adopting"

Catnap"Mra- MROW!" He growled and whipped around as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck

Bubba backed way up. Catnap hissed and fought the anesthesia to no avail. Catnap fell asleep and Bubba started fixing anything he could, Catnap had a broken bone from the wolf attack that had gone noticed. He had finished in time when Dogday came back in, he'd only left a few minutes to get the kids. Catnap started to wake up.

Juliet "Mommy..!" She yelped

Juliet ran over and hugged Catnap. He was barely responding but purred weakly. The two little babies cuddled his tail. Dogday  kissed him, Catnap tried his best to kiss  back.

•--A Few Weeks Later--•

Summer was just around the corner and everyone was hanging out. Ruby, Hoppy and Bobby's adopted daughter, was hiding behind her new moms. The kids played and colored. Bubba started falling asleep and Kickin' cuddled him.

Picky "We should go camping"

Hoppy "On the last two chapters? You stupid?" She groaned

Picky"What?" She sounded concerned

Hoppy "Oh nothing!" She groaned "But yes, for plot convenience let's go into the forest where we'll be murder by my dad next chapter" she said looking you in the eyes

Bubba "You need serious therapy " he said trying to find what she was looking at

Everyone collectively looked at what Hoppy was, but they didn't find anything.

Hoppy "Gotta love filler" she groaned

Shut up. Ruby sighed hard and Juliet walked over and started shaking CatNap's tail aggressively.

Dogday "Julie, dear, he isn't gonna tolerate that forever..."

Juliet "Why not?"

Dogday "He got a bit of... trauma..."

Juliet"That same trauma that lets Hoppy see through the fourth wall?"

Dogday "... DAMNIT, HOPPY!" He snarled

Hoppy burst into laughter. Catnap took his tail away and Juliet frowned. Dogday pet Catnap and kissed him. Juliet stuck her tongue out, discussed.

Anna "Mommy..?" She said shaking Kicken' arm

Kicken' "Yes?"

Allen "This kid was bullying us at school... He was calling us motherless..."

Bubba and Kicken' looked at each other.

Anna "He said his mother actually has a pu-"

Bubba "Well you don't say that word. And you don't need girly parts to be a good 'mother'..."

Allen "But then Anna doesn't fit in, she has nothing in common aside from being my sister"

Bubba "She likes boys, like me"

Allen "What if she doesn't like boys"

Bubba "Than she's gay like me"

Allen "What if she's not guy"

Kicken' "Gay"

Allen "Day?"

Kicken' "Uhh... Close enough"

Bubba "We'll still love her the same"

Dogday "About that camping trip?"

Hoppy growled. everyone set up a good time and date and Hoppy made sure her mom would watch the kids.

Hoppy "Picky, Crafty has a huge crush on you and Crafty, Picky wants to kiss you" she said confidently

Crafty + Picky "Wait what?"

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