The Blue Heron

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I drift over a green-gold veil of grass

To watch her stand, rising like a ghost through

The still water on long scrawny legs,

Her pale curved neck arching, golden eyes snapping

Onto the slick feast swimming beneath our view.

She walks slowly, lifting one twig-like leg

Over the other, knobby knees jutting

Back-- the soundless gait of an ancient huntress.

She pauses before dipping her

Sharp golden beak in for the treat

Of a small wriggling fish,

Piercing it with her beak's blade-like tip.

It goes still, so she swallows it

In one gulp, its outline bulging down the narrow arc

Of her throat, one tender heartbeat of nourishment.

She spreads ink-tipped blue wings to lift up and

Soar across the rippling gray sky, legs extended,

Wings unfurled as she glides

Over mystical green-black treetops

Like a lost ancestor into prehistoric times.

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