Tired Hearts

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Broken hearts, coffee-numbed and busy,

Flow in and out of the pounding city.

Red-hot cars blaze down the road before splitting away,

Cascading through tree-trimmed lanes like blood in the veins.

Harsh words are shouted as horns blare-- they have somewhere

Else to be, as the drivers are somewhere

Else, inside themselves, where sick hearts stop beating

Or children fail tests with big red X's,

Or the water company shuts off their last chance

To scrub their bodies clean

Of the bosses' venomous words,

As the city's heat pulses, traffic oozes into hot sticky globs

Of exhaustion.

But the heart is not a machine to berebooted, nor is it glass to be broken.

It is a cracked collection of words and faces,

Sweat-beaded dreams and dust-coated places.

Though its delicate pieces shift day by day,

It resumes its awkward place as fire and rain,

Teacher and student,

Healer and sickness--

Doing its slow, shivering business

Far from soft cool kisses of sea,

Too close to sharp-fanged flames.

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