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The Ultracheese

Another day, another slay for Alex. This day wasn't really different than any other day. The only thing was that he had an interview to go to. Not a big deal for him, he's been through many interviews.

He made it to the address and knocked on the door, fixing any wrinkles he might have had on his clothes. The door opened and a young woman of about 23 appeared. With a smile, she urged him to enter their humble home. He shook her hand and found that her name was Julia. She took him to her small living room and there he found an old lady.

The old woman looked up from her small journal and smiled when she noticed his appearance. "Good morning Mr Turner, I am delighted to have you here. You can call me Marie." She stood up from her seat so she could formally greet the man.

Alex, with his rich accent, gave her a kiss on her cheek as well as a hand shake. "Thank you, I must say I am happy to be here." He spoke in all honesty as he sat down on small couch opposite of Marie. He noted that Marie had an accent, probably French.

He paid attention to each question and watch as Marie wrote down notes in her journal. The young woman, Julia, helped Marie to write some words in English that would have been hard to write. The sight of the granddaughter helping her grandmother made his heart swell. During the interview, he would look around the living room, not out of disrespect, but out of a sense that it felt comfortable. A place where one feels at home. Many questions were asked about his future projects, childhood inspirations, opinions on old albums. He, of course, answered respectfully and he could tell that the interview was coming to an end. Marie looked at Alex before looking at Julia, almost telling her to do something before the interview could be over.

"One last thing before we are finished Mr. Turner." Julia stood up and walked to the small table that was in the corner of the room. She brought a couple of papers and handed them to her grandmother. Marie took the paper with shaky hands and showed on photo to Alex. "We have found many photos of you and this girl," she pointed to the young girl who had her arm around Alex's arm and was smiling at the camera. This photo was from years ago, just before he and his band became popular. "You don't have to tell us anything you don't want to, but who is she?"

He sat up slowly and took the photo from Marie's hands. He felt his heart start to accelerate as he took in the girls features. Slowly, he traced his memories back to when he could and remembered the moment. He still remembers her name. "She's a friend... an old friend."

Marie passed him another photo of the girl, only this time it was just a photo of her. "What happened to her?"

Alex took the photo and examined it as if he looked away from it, he wouldn't remember her face. "She went back home, to America." He looked up from both photos and looked at the grandmother and granddaughter duo, "how did you find these?"

Julia spoke up this time, "We searched hard for things you have never answered to in other interviews. This girl was the only thing we can find."

He nodded at her answer and continued to look at the photos. He remembered the first day they met, the interaction, the moment they became friends, and the moment she left. Cliche as it is, he never saw her again. He still remembered how everyday back then, he hoped she would come back. As the years went by, the memory of her slowly faded from his mind.

Marie watched as he looked at the photos. The way his eyes would slowly widen and how his mouth would slightly hang open. She smiled somberly at the thought that there was unfinished or hidden feelings between the two of them. She could tell he missed her, yet he didn't know where or how to find her again.

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