Chapter 2

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Mariya had stayed with Remus and Peter for the rest of the train journey, though both had disappeared at one point to change into their robes. When the train stopped, they followed the instructions, leaving their luggage behind, bar a single book which Mariya stuffed up the sleeve of her robes. They left the compartment and were swept into the flow of people who were leaving the train. Mariya got separated from the boys in the fray but soon spotted Remus's head bobbing through the crowd, being taller than most of the students their age.

The first years were greeted by an enormous man who told them he was called 'Hagrid' before leading them away from the rest of the students and towards a lake. At the edge of the lake were many boats which he told them could hold two students each. Mariya and Remus climbed into the same boat, leaving poor Peter to find someone else to sit with. Once everyone was seated, the boats began to move forward across the lake in perfect unison. Remus looked slightly anxious at first, but his fear was soon replaced by a look of wonder as Hogwarts castle came into view. It was dark and tall with soft light pouring out of the many windows. The students were so in awe of its splendour that they didn't notice how close they were getting, until the boats reached the shore and Hagrid told them to get out.

He directed them to the doors before disappearing. They stood there for a moment by themselves before a woman walked out the doors and came to stand in front of them. Her piercing gaze brushed over the students before she began to speak.

"My name is Minerva McGonagall and I will be your Transfiguration professor during your time at Hogwarts. In a minute you will enter the great hall, where you will be sorted into your houses. You will become either Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw and the people in your house will become your friends and family over the next seven years. You will eat meals and have classes with the members of your respective houses..."

Mariya tuned out after that, deciding that it was all information she already knew or simple enough that she could guess. Retrieving her book from her sleeve she linked her arm through Remus's and opened to her page, sure that he would let her know when it was time to go.

After another few minutes McGonagall appeared again and led the crowd of students inside and through another set of double doors that led into a room full of older students. They all sat along four long tables and a table of teachers crossed the top of the hall. In front of the teachers table sat a small stool on which lay a list on a scroll of parchment and an old, worn, tattered hat. Professor McGonagall retrieved the list and stood back as a rip opened in the hat's brim. Mariya remained oblivious as it began to sing, more concerned with her book.

She only started to pay attention when the hat finished and McGonagall began to call names from the list. It was in alphabetical order so Mariya knew she didn't need to worry for a while. She enjoyed watching as each student was sorted and their new housemates cheered for them as they joined the tables. She saw as the grey eyed, black haired boy who had entered her compartment, got sorted into Gryffindor and heard the slight delay as they realised that he was a Black. She watched as he pretended not to see the reproachful looks being cast his way by many students in green and frowned as one girl with wild black hair called him a traitor.

She smiled at Remus as he approached the stool and was glad to see the eager reception he received from the Gryffindor students as he went to join their table. She saw as Peter joined Remus and was quickly followed by James Potter - the boy from the platform - who held out his hand to the boys in greeting.

Finally Professor McGonagall called, "Seratova, Mariya" and she walked to the front of the room. She kept her head level and her pace even, knowing that all eyes were upon her and it was best they couldn't distinguish anything about her personality. She sat lightly on the stool and allowed the hat to drop over her eyes, grateful for not having to look at the students any longer.

She carefully masked her surprise as the hat spoke in her ear, "I do not believe I have ever sorted a Seratova before."

"My father did not come to Hogwarts, nor did my mother in fact."

The hat laughed slightly at her prompt reply, "Interesting. Not many students respond to me, young one. Not many at all."

"Well I like to tell people the truth."

"Yes I can see that. It is a trait that may get you into some trouble in the future but without it, you would not be able to fulfil your true purpose."

Mariya frowned slightly at this, but the hat did not give her time to respond. "I believe that you would do well whatever house I put you in young one and I ask that you come back and visit me at some point so I can see if I made the right decision, but I personally think that, at the moment, the best I can do for you is-"

"Slytherin!" The hat called out loud to the hall and Mariya thanked the hat before removing it from her head and placing it back on the stool. She moved over to the green table full of people who were clapping for her and sat down in-between a boy with platinum blonde hair and a girl with grey eyes and wavy light brown hair. They welcomed her before all three turned back to watch the sorting as Severus Snape was called up. He was there for a minute or so before the hat called out 'Slytherin'. He did not sit with Mariya, instead joining a group of boys who were trying to sneer at the Gryffindors and being completely ignored. Mariya rolled her eyes; it was ridiculous how people entered into these house stereotypes and made themselves look immature by doing so.

Mariya did not speak much throughout the feast and followed quietly as the prefects - one of whom was the boy who had sat next to her at dinner - led them to the common room. She was glad to be told that, unlike the other houses, Slytherin's believed strongly in personal space and so she would have a dorm to herself. She had seen the other girls in her year and most of them didn't look like they wanted to be friends with her.

When she entered her room, she found that it was large. A four poster bed with silver curtains and a pale green comforter sat against one wall and, in the corner sat a desk with a stack of parchment and a quill readily prepared. One wall was taken up by a window leading on to the black lake. A door led into an ensuite bathroom and she took a quick shower before bed, deciding that she would send her parents a letter in the morning. She burrowed down into the comfortable bed and wrapped herself in the blanket, falling asleep without any trouble at all.

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