Chapter 3

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*1st Year*

It took less than half a year for Mariya to discover Remus's secret. They had stayed friends despite their different houses and Remus's decision to become friends with James Potter. She noticed his regular illnesses and saw the scars on his face. She let him lie to her but continued to do her own research until she was sure that she was right. She confirmed her theory in late November and asked her parents to enrol her in the Animagus scheme for Christmas. Though unsure at first, they eventually came around to the idea when she explained she was doing it to help a friend and she successfully managed the first stage in-between the December and January full moons and took advantage of a lightning storm in February to complete the process. She had hoped that, by becoming an Animagus, she would be able to help Remus with his condition but she soon realised this would not be possible as she saw her new form.

She was a dragon. Relatively small for the species but too large to fit in the shrieking shack, which she knew was where Remus spent the full moons. Her new form had silvery blue scales the same colour as her eyes and wings strong enough to let her soar for hours over the forest when she dared to fly in the castle grounds.

Though she was legally registered, she did not tell her classmates about her new ability and Professor McGonagall was kind enough to avoid mentioning her during her lessons on Animagi. She also decided not to tell Remus that she knew about him, after all the boy would just be frightened that someone knew and she really didn't want him to leave Hogwarts for good. Though she could not assist him during his actual transformations, she did her best to help in other ways. She always snuck chocolate into the hospital wing every full moon and made sure that she avoided his friends around that time, knowing that he didn't like their arguing.

Remus had been incredibly kind to her by agreeing to learn two of her other languages. So she had started teaching him the basics of both Ukrainian and Spanish in the hope that he would be getting quite good at both when he met her parents. He had been taking an active interest in both and tried to use at least one in all of their conversations, even if only in greeting.

One morning in March, Mariya sat down at the Gryffindor table - as she did at least once a week - and was surprised when he started the conversation instead of her.

"Доброго ранку, Маша! (Good Morning, Masha)" He began, smiling up at her.

She grinned back at him, "Добре ранок. Як справи? (Good morning. How are you?)"

"Дуже добре, дякую. А ти? (Very good, thank you. And you?)"

"Так собі. (So so)" With this, Mariya turned back to her breakfast only to see Sirius and James looking at the two of them as though they were insane. Over the months Peter had become used to these interactions and so was continuing his meal as normal.

Both boys continued to stare in confusion for a moment before James's attention was diverted by a particular redhead walking past him.

"Lily-flower!" He called excitedly, not seeming discouraged by the withering glare he received from the girl. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me this weekend."

"No, Potter, I wouldn't. Just like I haven't wanted to the last hundred times you have asked me." She moved further up the table to sit with her own friends and James sat back down with a disappointed look. Sirius patted him on the arm consolingly but Mariya couldn't help but comment.

"My feeling, Potter, is that there is potential she doesn't like you."

James's expression twisted from disappointment to irritation as he faced the girl. "Keep your nose out of it, Seratova. It's none of your business."

Mariya shrugged slightly as she stood, "I just call 'em like I see 'em, Potter. It's nothing personal."

As she walked away, Mariya could hear Remus sigh and mutter a complaint about not being able to spend one peaceful meal with all of his friends. This made her feel slightly bad as she knew he didn't like that they didn't get along and she knew she always made matters worse by blurting out the truth.

She settled by herself at the Slytherin table and pulled a book out of her robes. Grabbing a muffin she began to read, losing herself in the pages of one of her favourite books, hooked despite already knowing the ending.

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