Chapter 32

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*7th Year*

Mariya had to confess that she was surprised by the number of pancakes James and Sirius had consumed between them, they seemed to be human dustbins for the foodstuff and she couldn't understand where they would be putting them. They were both relatively slim and she couldn't guess how much exercise they must do to work off that much sugar.

Having eaten breakfast, the three teenagers made their way back into the kitchen and began to clean the dishes. Mariya collected her hair back into a fresh bun and pushed her glasses further up her nose before submersing her hands in the soapy water, James had been assigned the task of drying the plates and Sirius was stacking them back into the cupboards. Euphemia had informed them that they were going to do it without magic and had taken their wands before setting them to task, with the claim that it was 'Character building'. James had looked less than convinced by this, but had not offered any substantial objection to the statement and so they found themselves magicless and stick cleaning dishes that were less than enthusiastic about the loss of their grime.

"I take it you can't do wandless magic, Mariya?" James asked a few minutes in, his voice laced with hope that Mariya was only too happy to crush.

"I have never tried, James, and even if I could, I wouldn't. As far as I am concerned your mother is correct and it wouldn't be right to go against her will when she only has the best intentions for you."

James stuck his bottom lip out at this, clearly not thrilled at her siding with his mother, but Sirius laughed.

"I don't think you can get out of this James. Just enjoy it as best you can."

With that, he stuck his hand into the sink, removed a handful of suds, and threw them directly into James's face. They splattered across his glasses and a few made their way on to his hair. Mariya moved away from the sink and struggled not to laugh for a few moments before James made his way to the bowl and, now unable to see properly, threw the bubbles at her instead of Sirius. Wiping them off her own spectacles, Mariya gave Sirius a look which made him duck behind the counter in the centre of the kitchen.

Coating both her hands in bubbles, Mariya gestured for James to start walking around the island, which he did with great flair.

"Come out, come out little Sirius. We knows you're there. You started this-"

"And we'll be the ones to finish it." Mariya completed as she placed her hands firmly on Sirius's head and massaged the bubbles into his long black hair.

Sirius scowled at her, "You two are the worst." He grumbled, making both his friends grin.

"You love us really." Mariya countered, swinging an arm around his shoulder and smiling as James did the same from the other side.

"It's a good job given that I'm stuck with you." Sirius muttered before pulling Mariya and James into a group hug. Both were confused for a moment at the display of affection, before they felt his soap covered hands land on their heads and the now cold water began to drip down the backs of their shirts.

"It's a wonder that you're not a Slytherin." Mariya muttered, "You're such a sneaker, you know that?"

Sirius pulled away from them and grinned as they dried the last few plates and returned them to the cupboards. Having done that, they all disappeared back into their respective rooms to shower and change into less soapy clothing.

Mariya decided on wearing pale blue jeans and a black tank-top with a navy jumper pulled over the top. She left most of her hair down but pulled back a few strands from the front into a ponytail to keep them out of her face. Walking down the stairs she could see James and Sirius already standing by the doors.

"What are we planning to do next?" She asked as she reached the bottom floor and began to walk towards the boys.

"We thought that we would show you around the grounds, you looked curious about them yesterday and we thought you might be interested in seeing them." James answered, running a hand through his hair.

Mariya grinned, "Sounds great. They look much more impressive than the ones at the Seratova Manor."

Sirius smiled, "Euphemia loves her gardening almost as much as making James's life a misery."

James nodded as he held open the door for his friends, "That she does, Sirius. That she does."

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