Chapter 35

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*7th Year*

Had the next day been anything but Christmas, things would probably have been more awkward. As it was, neither James nor Mariya mentioned anything to the other and Sirius did a remarkable job of keeping his mouth shut considering.

Mariya was surprised to find presents from James's parents under the tree for her, after all they had not anticipated her arrival for the holidays and - though she had bought things for them - she had not expected anything besides their hospitality. She was thrilled to find that inside the wrapping lay three new leather notebooks, one with her name engraved on the front and one with swirling vines crawling their way up the front. The final one had a quidditch pitch with players flying around as she watched, and inside was tucked a photograph that had been taken a few days prior of Mariya, James, and Sirius standing on the Potter's own quidditch pitch, brooms in hand and grins on their faces.

Smiling brightly, Mariya found herself throwing her arms around both adults, something she would normally never do, before settling to open the rest of her gifts. Sirius had bought her a new wand holster as her old one had been getting rather scruffy around the edges, as well as a new eagle feather quill, which symbolised his respect for her. Remus had sent a combination of fiction and non-fiction books for her to read over the holiday and Peter had given her some chocolate and liquorice wands - which were Mariya's favourite type of sweet-stuff. Her mother had provided her with a few new sets of clothing as well as some warm leather boots that Mariya knew would be perfect for ice-skating.

Her father on the other hand had sent her a new diary for the year and - having heard about James and Mariya becoming Head Boy and Head Girl and reconciling with each other - had not written her name in the front and had instead inscribed The Future Mrs James Potter on the front page. Mariya had closed the book hurriedly as she could see that Sirius had been trying to see what she was staring at.

Both James and Sirius had received new brooms of the latest model from the Potters and so they decided that they would go flying after breakfast. Retrieving her own broom from her bedroom, Mariya did not expect to run into someone when she walked out of the door.

"Sorry." James apologised repeatedly as he helped her to her feet and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I just wanted to give you your Christmas present in private. I didn't mean to physically assault you."

"You're being dramatic James, just move on."

"Right, well here you go." He held out a small red velvet box which she opened to reveal a silver charm bracelet with five charms already attached. The first was a small crescent moon which Mariya presumed was to imply Remus. The next was a small snitch for James and the third a paw print for Sirius, next was a little mouse with delicate little ears as Peter.

The final charm made Mariya tear up slightly as she realised who it was meant to represent. It was a small letter R inlaid with tiny emeralds and melding into a snakes head at the end.

Mariya looked up at James her eyes shining with tears and he smiled sheepishly, "I thought that you might want him on there, seeing as you can't actually be seen together in public, this way you have a bit of him with you wherever you go."

Mariya didn't have any words to express how she was feeling and so threw her arms around James's neck and pulled him into a tight hug. He froze momentarily before embracing her back and holding her tight to him.

"It is the best present ever, James." She mumbled against his chest, making him smile widely. "Thank you."

"Будь ласка, Рія. (You're welcome, Riya.)" He replied and Mariya was surprised to hear the Ukrainian phrase come out of his mouth.

"Коли ти вивчив українську? (When did you learn Ukrainian?)" She asked, looking up at him in confusion.

"I don't know much, but Remus uses that phrase all the time, it would be virtually impossible not to pick it up. He teaches us little bit here and there when he uses them in normal conversation and then offers us the translation."

"I can teach you if you like." Mariya offered and James smiled.

"I would like that," He replied, hesitating before adding. "Mariya, how would you feel about going to Hogsmeade with me one day when we get back to school?"

Mariya frowned slightly in confusion, "As in a date?" She asked, hopeful that he meant that but unsure if she had understood correctly.

James rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Yeah." He answered before hurriedly adding, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I would love to James." She answered smiling before realising who they had forgotten. "Right now though we should probably get back to Sirius before he starts to think that we have abandoned him."

James nodded in agreement and they began to walk back down the stairs, each content in the knowledge that the other wanted to go on a date with them and hopeful that it would work out well.

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