Chapter 48

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The day of Mariya and James's wedding dawned soggy. Euphemia had almost thrown a fit when she found out and it took both Mariya and Lily to calm her down. The woman was rather indignant that the couple's day might be ruined by the weather but Lily was quick to point out that the ceremony was to be held within a tent anyway and it didn't really matter whether it was raining or not until the evening, at which point they could cast some sort of magical dome to keep it out if necessary. Though still rather miffed, Euphemia was distracted by Mariya asking her to check her skirts were all layered properly as they had become tangled when she was originally trying the dress on. The dress itself was not overly extravagant, with heavy silk folds enveloping her legs and pooling slightly around her feet at the back. The front of the dress was slightly shorter, showing off her gold heels, whilst the back swished dramatically behind her as she walked. She had a slightly more practical outfit to wear for the evening, which was lying over the back of a chair in the room at the Potter Manor. James had suggested that they have the actual ceremony at his house, seeing as the grounds were larger and so they would have more space to set up a tent. Mariya had agreed to this, pointing out that they could move to the Seratov Manor in the evening as their planned activity would be much easier to carry out there.

"I think that might be you done." Lily announced as she stepped away from Mariya and allowed the woman to look in the mirror. Lily had spent over an hour painstakingly tucking pieces of Mariya's hair up into a bun that would allow her to wear the veil comfortably, whilst still being off her neck. By the time she was finished, Mariya was sure that the style must be as much hairspray and hair grips as actual hair, but she did not point this out to the Maid of Honour, especially considering how incredibly neat her hair was. Lily moved to the front of Mariya and carefully tucked a gold tiara between the layers of hair, before tugging a strand that was already beginning to fall out and dragging it down to hang at Mariya's cheek. Mariya knew that this strand would be ridiculously annoying but she also couldn't deny that it did look good, as Lily began to attach the veil.

Finally safe to move her head, Mariya put on her gold dangling earrings and reached for the box on the dressing table. Inside was an elaborate diamond that had been removed from the Potter vault purely for the purpose of her wearing it. Euphemia stood forward and took the necklace from her, gently placing it against Mariya's neck and clipping it under her hair.

"The last time this was used was for my wedding to Fleamont." She whispered as she did so, tears collecting in her eyes at the memory. "It doesn't feel long enough ago for someone else to wearing it."

Mariya turned to face the woman and smiled, "Don't cry, Euphemia. My father will be doing enough of that for both of you."

Euphemia gave a laugh, clearly not realising that Mariya was dead serious, before glancing at the watch on her wrist. "It is almost time my dear, we should probably start to head down now."

Mariya nodded at her, taking both her arm and Lily's as they began to make their way through the labyrinthine halls. After a few minutes, Euphemia hurried ahead of the two younger women to ensure that James was nowhere to be seen, after all they couldn't let the groom see the bride just before the event.

"Are you ready for this?" Lily asked as they the small side door they were meant to be leaving by. A hedge had been grown in order to give them a direct route towards the tent, and the two women were glad of the shelter over their heads to protect them from the constant drizzle of rain.

"Of course I am." Mariya smiled at her, "Just like you will be to marry Jasper when he asks."

Lily turned a bright shade of red at this and Mariya grinned widely at her. She already knew that Jasper was ready to propose, indeed she had seen the ring, but she also knew that the man was waiting for the right time to ask. Dropping the conversation, Mariya smiled as they reached the final corner of the hedge and saw two people standing there waiting for them. Petro Seratov was holding three bouquets of flowers and waiting to walk his daughter down the aisle, though one could have easily mistaken him for the Spanish parent as he conversed fluently with Mariya's cousin Electra. Electra herself - the wife of Mariya's cousin Felix - was to be the only bridesmaid that day and so was prepared to walk in front of Mariya and Lily.

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