Chapter 39

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*7th Year*

The day after her date with James, Mariya couldn't help but think that it had been a bit out of character for him. As nice as it had been, so many of their good memories were adventurous and wild in a way that the date had not been. It had been classic; the sort of first date everyone thought they would have, but it just wasn't in keeping with the personalities of James or Mariya, especially considering the dramatic events of the day. In a way, Mariya was glad it had not been too active as her feet were already aching the next day thanks to the treasure hunt and the skating in the evening. And yet she couldn't get it out of her mind that she would like to do something else. It was a thought that lurked in the edge of her mind all day, as she went about packing her bags in preparation for the upcoming holidays, and working through any homework teachers had assigned for them to do over the break.

By the time evening came around, Mariya had made up her mind about the matter and, grabbing her broom from its place against the wall, she strode out of her room, down the hallway and out of the Slytherin Common Room, ignoring the curious looks she received from many of her peers at her determined stride and the certain way she crossed the room. Quickly leaving through the great stone door, she watched as it melted back into the wall, before pivoting on her heel and beginning to walk down the dimly lit corridor. Quickly climbing the many steps that led to the Gryffindor Tower - and doing her best to avoid the moving staircases on the way - she arrived at the portrait hole as fast as could be possible and glared resolutely at the picture of the rather large lady wearing a pink dress who sat inside of it.

"Is there any chance that you could send someone out here to talk to me?" She asked and the woman paused for a moment before completely disregarding her question.

"Slytherins aren't supposed to know where the Gryffindor Common Room is!" She exclaimed, voice shrill and face reddening in anger.

"Look," Mariya responded, starting to get slightly irritated by the woman and less than happy about her obvious house prejudices, "I just need to speak to Lily Evans, I have something that I need to ask her."

The Fat Lady looked as though she were just about to respond, when she started to peer over Mariya's shoulder and a small voice piped up behind the Slytherin girl, "Why are you looking for Lily Evans?"

Mariya spun on her heel to see a short blonde girl with sparkling green eyes which were held in sharp contrast by her scarlet robes.

"I just need to ask her help with something -" She paused to allow the girl to offer her name and the student smiled.

"Anastasia, Anastasia Smallwood."

"Well Anastasia, I need Lily's assistance with something but I don't know the password."

"Oh well, I can help with that." Anastasia frowned slightly and Mariya realised the problem she was facing.

"I can cover my ears if it would help." The young girl grinned, clearly relieved that she wasn't about to betray her house just because the Head Girl asked her to.

Mariya carefully placed her hands over ears and turned her back to avoid reading her lips as she spoke the password. Feeling a light tap on her arm, Mariya turned to see the portrait hole now open and Anastasia starting to climb through.

"I will just send Lily out, give me a moment." The door swung shut behind her as she landed in the other side and Mariya found herself submerged once more in the silence of an empty hallway.

It was only a minute or so later, when the picture opened once more to reveal a more familiar head of red hair.

"Mariya," Lily greeted as she climbed out fully, "What can I do for you?"

Too Honest ~ James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now